This is a base/starting point for a simple web app. Includes jQuery 1.5, Underscore 1.1.4, and plugins.js from HTML5 Boilerplate. It also uses the stylesheet from HTML5 Boilerplate as a base. As well as setting up some default directories.
The "Installation" below is only necessary if you want the convenience of using a stand-alone web server for this app (thin), using passenger, or using the server as a proxy for cross-site json requests.
Dependencies: Ruby, RubyGems, Sinatra, Thin
On OSX, both Ruby and RubyGems should be installed by default.
To install Sinatra and Thin:
$ sudo gem install sinatra
$ sudo gem install thin
To start the app locally (from this directory):
$ thin start
The app should be running on localhost, port 3000. Now just point your browser to http://localhost:3000/
If you're on OSX and you'd prefer to use Passenger:
I recommend PassengerPane, follow the directions there to get all set-up.