Lots of new stuff in this release. It should be ready for use at our student labs. If you have an old version installed: no problem on both MacOS and Windows. On MacOS: simply drag the application to the Applications folder and choose 'Replace'. On Windows, simply install the new version and the old version is automatically removed.
I'm now working toward v1.0, which will only include bugfixes and a custom icon.
- Plots update when rows are removed
- Fixed: empty plots when exporting before doing a fit
- You can now save and open Tailor projects!
- When performing a fit, the initial fit is hidden. When changing parameters it
is made visible. - You can now choose part of the data as fit domain. Only data in the domain
will be fitted, the rest will be ignored. The domain edges is draggable with
the mouse. - Fit domain is visible in exported graphs.
- Fit errors are now displayed in the statusbar.
- Statusbar messages now stay visible indefinitely.
- Improved displayed precision in table view (spreadsheet) and fit results.
- When adding columns, the column name is selected and focused so you can immediately type a new column name.
- Added degrees of freedom and relative errors to fit results.
- You now have several options for plotting best-fit curves: on data points, only on the fit domain, or on the full axis.
- Several UI tweaks.