First public release: version 0.8.0.
First public release of Tailor!
- Spreadsheet-like editing of data
- Import and export of CSV files
- Add / remove columns or rows
- Add columns based on mathematical expressions
- Create multiple scatter plots with X/Y error bars
- Fit custom models to data based on mathematical expressions
- Models can include a wide range of Python operators and mathematical functions
- Parameters are automatically deduced from the model expression and displayed in the user interface
- Start values can be easily changes and an initial fit is updated in the plot window
- Bounds on parameters and the ability to fix a parameter to a particular value
- Fit results include reduced chi-square statistic and parameter value and error estimations
- Easily adjustable axis labels and ranges
- Zooming and panning of the plot
- Export plot as PNG (bitmap) or PDF (vector) images