Davide Modolo 229297
Intent classification is a text classification task in which the objective is to assign an intent for a given sentence or utterance.
Utterance: Can you help me find out about flights?
Intent: InfoRequest
Slot filling is a sequence labelling task where the objective is to map a given sentence or utterance to a sequence of domain-slot labels.
Utterance: I want to travel from nashville to tacoma
Concepts: O O O O O B-fromloc.city_name O B-toloc.city_name
Implement a neural network that predicts intents and slots in a multitask learning setting.
Since the datasets are tiny, you have to train and test your model from scratch at least 5 times. Report average and standard deviation.
Datasets: ATIS and SNIPS
Goal: Improve baseline results by at least 2/3%:
ATIS -> Slot F1: 92.0%, Intent Acc.: 94.0%
SNIPS -> Slot F1: 80.0%, Intent Acc.: 96.0%
Implement baseline methods
Build different architectures (Seq2Seq, Bi-LSTM + CRF, etc.)
Try to use pre-trained models (e.g. BERT, GPT2, T5, etc.)
download and import datasets
prepare validation dataset for ATIS (since only SNIPS has it) - ~10% of the train but intents with only one instance remain in training
implement baseline methods
implement architectures from scratch (PyTorch)
implement pre-trained models (PyTorch) BERT & ERNIE
data visualization
write paper
│ NLU_Report_Modolo.pdf: report on this project
│ conll.py: script to evaluate results
│ modolo_davide.ipynb: python notebook containing the baseline model, the bi-directional one and ED
│ pretrainedBERT.ipynb: python notebook containing the BERT model
│ pretrainedERNIE.ipynb: python notebook containing the ERNIE model
│ test.json
│ train_full.json
│ train.json
│ valid.json