- Introduction
- Features
- How to install / config / launch / Usage
- Link to application demo
- Screenshots of app
- Technologies used
- Resources / Shouts outs / Credit
Tech prep is a site for resources on how to prepare for technical interviews. Users can post resources or technical interview questions and discuss with other users.
Tech Prep is a website that hosts all resources related to technical interview prepping. Users can post resources or technical interview questions and discuss with other users. This website is for people preparing for technical interviews, computer science students and teachers, and for any engineers considering new positions. The goal that our website hopes to fulfill is clearing up the unknowns and confusions about the interviewing process. We aim to create a community of many people that are willing to share their interview experiences to enlighten others.
Just Ask
- Get real time feedback and answers from industry proffesionals.
Quality Resources
- Find resources posted by other tech preppers.
Learn by teaching
- Answer other peoples questions and learn faster by sharing your knowledge.
Don't Prepare Alone
- Find your study group and never feel unprepared again.
To run the server:
- Create a .env file with a DATABASE_URL and a SECRET_KEY
- Install dependencies with pip
install -r requirements.txt
- If you prefer using pipenv, use
pipenv install
, then enter the pipenv shell withpipenv shell
- Run the server with
python3 app.py
View the app live at https://tech-prep.herokuapp.com/
- Flask
- Flask-login
- WTForms
- Jinja2 templates
- SQL Lite
- July 13th - Initial Deploy. Veryify database and features are functioning correctly.
- July 14th - Final Deploy before presentation. Push last mvp feature and verify that it works.