This is forked from and all credit should go to samcorcos. I've updated the dependencies to the latest versions, fixed any security vulns by running npm audit fix
and added typescript typings. This is now compatible with node 14+.
This should only exist in GH packages now.
npm i --save @dave-inc/apple-pay-decrypt
In order to decrypt the token, you will need two .pem
files. One is a certificate and one is a key. The process for generating these is complicated.
If you get stuck, this document might be helpful.
The following steps were largely taken from the article written by @amast09 to generate your keys. Repeat steps 2 - 20 for each environment (STAGING/PROD).
Note: we have no metrics in STAGING and are unable to test this in STAGING because Apple Pay doesn't work for our STAGING env. So just renew the certificate, update the secret version, and disable the previous secret version for STAGING.
- Generate a CSR file with the following command. This will create two files
. (Note: you can use the sameprivate.key
for STAGING and PROD):
openssl ecparam -out private.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
openssl req -new -sha256 -key private.key -nodes -out request.csr
Go to the Apple Developer Certificate Manager. Make sure you have a Merchant Id. Navigate to
=>Merchant IDs
to make sure you have one, if not, create one. -
Go to
tab, then click+
on the right side of theCertificate
s header. -
Scroll down and select
Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate
and clickContinue
. -
Select the merchant id (
for PROD) in the dropdown menu then clickContinue
. -
Do not edit the name and scroll down to the Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate section and Click
Create Certificate
. -
Upload the
file you created (request.csr
) from step 1 and clickContinue
is the same as.certSigningRequest
. (Note: you can use the samerequest.csr
for STAGING and PROD) -
which will download asapple_pay.cer
. You need that file to create the key. (Note: make sure to use the correctapple_pay.cer
for each environment because there is no option to change the name when you download the cert from the developer website). -
Generate a PEM file with the following command. You will may need to password protect your
file. If you're using a company laptop you can leave the password blank and pressEnter
, else create a password and keep it somewhere secure.
# STAGING - make sure to use the correct apple_pay.cer ( because you won't be able to rename the file when you download the cert from the developer website
openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -in apple_pay.cer -out stagingTemp.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -out stagingKey.p12 -inkey private.key -in stagingTemp.pem
# PROD - make sure to use the correct apple_pay.cer ( because you won't be able to rename the file when you download the cert from the developer website
openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -in apple_pay.cer -out prodTemp.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -out prodKey.p12 -inkey private.key -in prodTemp.pem
- You now have the two files you need to decrypt Apple Pay tokens, but before you can do that, you need to convert them into
files. Run the following commands to convert them to.pem
openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -in apple_pay.cer -out stagingCertPem.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in stagingKey.p12 -out stagingPrivatePem.pem -nocerts -nodes
openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -in apple_pay.cer -out prodCertPem.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in prodKey.p12 -out prodPrivatePem.pem -nocerts -nodes
- After all that, you should have a certificate (
) file that looks something like this:
And a key (<staging|prod>PrivatePem.pem
) that looks something like this:
Bag Attributes
localKeyID: 90 C8 20 E7 8A 2A E5 7E 33 06 FD C5 43 47 9F 15 2F DE 73 90
Key Attributes: <No Attributes>
(these are not my real keys)
- Run the following commands and copy the output of the
file and the<staging|prod>PrivatePem.pem
file to be used in step 13. (do not copy the % at the end of the output string the string should end in \n)
# replace <staging|prod> with either staging or prod
awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' <staging|prod>CertPem.pem
# replace <staging|prod> with either staging or prod
awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' <staging|prod>PrivatePem.pem
- Create a json file
and use the values from step 12 to replace the values of the certPem/privatePem keys of the example json object below. Replace the version value to the expiration date of the new certificate found in theEXPIRATION
column of the certificate list. The expiration should be 2 yrs from the day the certificate was created.
"privatePem": "Bag Attributes\n localKeyID: 8D 25 96 C8 23 FE B8 5E 72 04 75 12 C0 5E A2 83 F7 30 34 93 \nKey Attributes: <No Attributes>\n-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCQqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgb9Oz8+IrYa0LfFGP\nfMq1UaktcZzhmQyHAyLx6mO08RuhRANCAARUrIQdTQ/xcGuvcjQeVO3v8rgewpM5\nN/QuAOHyk5ZlT15L/Was3CQ8lzxEirNClCJtr2qf4L77fO2GMiUv/uNc\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"version": "2026-11-22"
Navigate to GSM, select the correct project id (
for STAGING,banking-ecf4
for PROD), search for_cfgload-apple-pay-cert
, and click the name. Direct link: _cfgload-apple-pay-cert in STAGING and _cfgload-apple-pay-cert in PROD, and _cfgload-apple-pay-cert in PROD (legacy). -
Click the
button. Upload the json file created in step 13. DON'T select theDisable all past versions
(we want to keep the previous and new versions enabled for now so the keys rotate while the new certificate propogates after we activate it). ClickADD NEW VERSION
button. -
Observe the metrics to see the new version fails and the previous version succeeds. This is normal and shows that we are successfully rotating the secret if one of them fails. If there are no metrics for the new version, we may need to redeploy banking-api to fetch the latest secret. If there are no metrics at all, manually create card funding with Apple Pay to trigger the metrics.
Go to Certificates, click the newly created certificate, click the
button and click theActivate
button in the modal. Proceed with caution and make sure we correctly followed the steps to prevent Apply Pay transactions from failing. -
Wait ~45mins or so and observe the metrics to show the new version succeed. We may need to manual create card funding with Apple Pay if there are no metrics. If there are no metrics after manual intervention, go over the previous steps to make sure we didn't skip a step or made a mistake.
Wait ~3 hrs after the first success with the new version as we may observe the old version succeed and the new version failing randomly.
Disable the previous secret version in GSM once we have at least a 3 hrs timespan of only the new version succeeding and no metrics of the old version succeeding.
- It takes about an hour for the new certificate to propagate after activation. Failures will occur for about an hour when trying to decrypt with the new certificate values. You'll need to fallback to old values for safe rotation.
- DataDog dashboard
The tokenFromApplePay
you get from Apple Pay will look something like this:
"version": "EC_v1",
"data": "vxae4VFHqdtWakaJ1wqQHyel...<a lot more data>...ggVQsfUxBXR8=",
"signature": "MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCA...<a lot more data>...MAAAAAAAA=",
"header": {
"ephemeralPublicKey": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZICZImiZPyLGQBAQwgbWVyY2hhbnQuY29tLmdy332d55suNAl1RIZi3KIT5hwmiSKSch9+6OOGlRZw0xOTAy4jejmO0A==",
"publicKeyHash": "0aB0KxDCKoZICZImiZPyLGQBAQwoIwz3m6bKxuqPe+F6yQco=",
"transactionId": "54829332dd6db37d06KoZICZImiZPyLGQBAQw5e6f35059acad43133d792fc139"
To decrypt the token, import the .pem
files and create a new ApplePaymentTokenDecryptor
with the token from Apple Pay. Then decrypt using the keys. Ensure you import the certificates as utf8 text and not Buffers.
import { ApplePaymentTokenDecryptor, TokenAttributes } from '@dave-inc/apple-pay-decrypt';
const certPem = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../path/to/certPem.pem'), 'utf8')
const privatePem = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../path/to/privatePem.pem'), 'utf8')
const tokenFromApplePay: TokenAttributes = {...} // from Apple Pay, might have to be adjusted slightly
const token = new ApplePaymentTokenDecryptor(tokenFromApplePay)
const decrypted = token.decrypt(certPem, privatePem)
The decrypted
value at this point should look something like this:
applicationPrimaryAccountNumber: '17029283048730',
applicationExpirationDate: '231231',
currencyCode: '840',
transactionAmount: 500,
deviceManufacturerIdentifier: '544555544456',
paymentDataType: '3DSecure',
paymentData: {
onlinePaymentCryptogram: 'IE0QTuXZlbG9wZXIgUmiQAQojEBhgA='
- Remember that the
will come back as the number of cents so $500 = 50000 - You can then use those decrypted values with your payment processor of choice (Stripe, Braintree, in our case Tabapay) to process payments from Apple Pay.