This repository is a series of HSE-Helitron overlap analyses created by bvtsu for Garrigues et al., 2019. This HPC pipeline is controlled by bash
commands to take a list of UCSC Genome Browser database-specific genome names (e.g. ce11 for Caenorhabditis elegans via UCSC) and uses them to create unique Torque
jobs and run scripts and pre-built software contained in the src/
Published work with UCSC genomes suggest that this high % of HSEs in helitrons (red slice) is specific to Caenorhabditis.
- Refining python code to typehint and proper PEP8 style
- Adding comment blocks to annotate code
- Adding ETE3 pie chart analyses
- Wormbase, Caenorhabditis Genome Project
- Install miniconda
- Install RepeatMasker via conda (Optional: These genomes already have well-curated rmsk files associated with these databases)
conda config --add channels bioconda conda install -c bioconda repeatmasker
- twoBitToFa (Tool specifically for UCSC Genome Browser genomes)
wget -P ~/
- Alternatively:
conda install --yes -c bioconda ucsc-twobittofa
- python 3.9 (not tested with other versions)
conda install --yes python=3.9
- other dependencies via conda
conda install --yes pandas numpy
HPC usage will be demonstrated using a copy of the tests/integration
planfile entries as an example.
- Loop through planfile (.txt) of genome names to run again pipeline
./ -i '/Path/to/repo/planfile_rmsk_sample.txt' -o '/Path/to/outfolder'
- Make summaries ->
python -genomes '/Path/to/repo/planfile_rmsk_sample.txt' -o '/Path/to/outfolder'
Local usage will be demonstrated using the tests/integration
- Loop through planfile (.txt) of genome names to run again pipeline
./ -i '/Path/to/repo/Caenorhabditis-HSE-Helitrons/tests/integration/planfile_rmsk_subset.txt' -o '/Path/to/repo/Caenorhabditis-HSE-Helitrons/tests/integration'
- Make summaries ->
python -genomes '/Path/to/repo/Caenorhabditis-HSE-Helitrons/tests/integration/planfile_rmsk_subset.txt' -o '/Path/to/repo/Caenorhabditis-HSE-Helitrons/tests/integration'
Functional testing was done using HPC resources.