API tests and value parsers
This is a minor release. Some of the changes include: more tests, especially for public data access API methods and value parsers that convert string values from table cells to corresponding data type when you access cells via data API, e.g. getCellData
JSHint is now enabled on source files and executed every time when project is being built and tested (locally or on Travis CI server).
Full changelist:
- Add value parsers to dist assets.
- Add slack notifications.
- Add tests for remaining public data api methods in apiSpec.
- Add more cell and row related tests to apiSpec.
- Add getGridData test to apiSpec.
- Fix jasmine styles config param.
- Add getCellDataByKey tests to apiSpec.
- Add getCellDataByIndex tests to apiSpec.
- Add apiSpec test suite and basic API method tests.
- Add cell value parsers and implement value parsing in getCellData API method
- Add correct column types to test data generator.
- Change domSpec title.
- Rename basicSpec to domSpec and add more dom tests.
- Build dist files from latest src changes.
- Add unicode to test data generator.
- Adjust project roadmap.
- Move Editor base class to sensei-editors.js file.
- Enable jshint on source files.
- Add build status to README.
- Add node version to travis configuration.