Our code style is based on Crockford's, with a few modifications.
- Indent with tabs, not spaces
- Always end statements with semicolons
- Conditionals and loops ("if", "while", "for") always use curly braces
- Never use
. Useconst
wherever possible andlet
only if necessary. - Always use "strict equal" (
, not==
) - Define variables in scope, never global.
Rule | Value | Description |
array-bracket-spacing | enforce consistent spacing inside array brackets | |
brace-style | enforce consistent brace style for blocks | |
camelcase | enforce camelcase naming convention | |
comma-dangle | require or disallow trailing commas | |
comma-spacing | enforce consistent spacing before and after commas | |
comma-style | enforce consistent comma style | |
indent | tab | enforce consistent indentation |
key-spacing | enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties | |
keyword-spacing | enforce consistent spacing before and after keywords | |
linebreak-style | unix | enforce consistent linebreak style |
max-params | 5 | enforce a maximum number of parameters in function definitions |
new-cap | require constructor names to begin with a capital letter | |
no-array-constructor | disallow Array constructors |
no-bitwise | disallow bitwise operators | |
no-continue | disallow continue statements |
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs | disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation | |
no-trailing-spaces | disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines | |
no-underscore-dangle | disallow dangling underscores in identifiers | |
one-var | never | enforce variables to be declared either together or separately in functions |
one-var-declaration-per-line | require or disallow newlines around variable declarations | |
quote-props | as-needed | require quotes around object literal property names |
quotes | single | enforce the consistent use of either backticks, double, or single quotes |
semi | require or disallow semicolons instead of ASI | |
semi-spacing | enforce consistent spacing before and after semicolons | |
space-before-blocks | enforce consistent spacing before blocks | |
space-before-function-paren | enforce consistent spacing before function definition opening parenthesis |
space-in-parens | enforce consistent spacing inside parentheses | |
space-infix-ops | require spacing around infix operators | |
space-unary-ops | enforce consistent spacing before or after unary operators |
Rule | Value | Description |
babel/no-invalid-this | disallow this keywords outside of classes or class-like objects |
block-scoped-var | enforce the use of variables within the scope they are defined | |
consistent-return | require return statements to either always or never specify values |
curly | enforce consistent brace style for all control statements | |
dot-notation | enforce dot notation whenever possible | |
eqeqeq | require the use of === and !== |
guard-for-in | require for-in loops to include an if statement |
no-caller | disallow the use of arguments.caller or arguments.callee |
no-case-declarations | disallow lexical declarations in case clauses | |
no-empty-pattern | disallow empty destructuring patterns | |
no-eval | disallow the use of eval() |
no-extend-native | disallow extending native types | |
no-fallthrough | disallow fallthrough of case statements |
no-global-assign | disallow assignments to native objects or read-only global variables | |
no-implicit-globals | disallow declarations in the global scope | |
no-implied-eval | disallow the use of eval() -like methods |
no-iterator | disallow the use of the __iterator__ property |
no-loop-func | disallow function declarations that contain unsafe references inside loop statements | |
no-multi-str | disallow multiline strings | |
no-new | disallow new operators outside of assignments or comparisons |
no-new-func | disallow new operators with the Function object |
no-octal | disallow octal literals | |
no-redeclare | disallow variable redeclaration | |
no-self-assign | disallow assignments where both sides are exactly the same | |
no-sequences | disallow comma operators | |
no-unused-labels | disallow unused labels | |
no-useless-catch | disallow unnecessary catch clauses |
no-useless-escape | disallow unnecessary escape characters | |
no-with | disallow with statements |
radix | enforce the consistent use of the radix argument when using parseInt() |
require-await | disallow async functions which have no await expression |
vars-on-top | require var declarations be placed at the top of their containing scope |
wrap-iife | any | require parentheses around immediate function invocations |
Rule | Value | Description |
constructor-super | require super() calls in constructors |
no-class-assign | disallow reassigning class members | |
no-const-assign | disallow reassigning const variables |
no-dupe-class-members | disallow duplicate class members | |
no-new-symbol | disallow new operators with the Symbol object |
no-this-before-super | disallow this /super before calling super() in constructors |
no-useless-computed-key | disallow unnecessary computed property keys in objects and classes | |
no-var | require let or const instead of var |
prefer-const | require const declarations for variables that are never reassigned after declared |
require-yield | require generator functions to contain yield |
Rule | Value | Description |
for-direction | enforce "for" loop update clause moving the counter in the right direction. | |
getter-return | enforce return statements in getters |
no-async-promise-executor | disallow using an async function as a Promise executor | |
no-compare-neg-zero | disallow comparing against -0 | |
no-cond-assign | disallow assignment operators in conditional expressions | |
no-constant-condition | disallow constant expressions in conditions | |
no-control-regex | disallow control characters in regular expressions | |
no-debugger | disallow the use of debugger |
no-dupe-args | disallow duplicate arguments in function definitions |
no-dupe-else-if | disallow duplicate conditions in if-else-if chains | |
no-dupe-keys | disallow duplicate keys in object literals | |
no-duplicate-case | disallow duplicate case labels | |
no-empty | disallow empty block statements | |
no-empty-character-class | disallow empty character classes in regular expressions | |
no-ex-assign | disallow reassigning exceptions in catch clauses |
no-extra-boolean-cast | disallow unnecessary boolean casts | |
no-extra-parens | disallow unnecessary parentheses | |
no-extra-semi | disallow unnecessary semicolons | |
no-func-assign | disallow reassigning function declarations |
no-import-assign | disallow assigning to imported bindings | |
no-inner-declarations | disallow variable or function declarations in nested blocks |
no-invalid-regexp | disallow invalid regular expression strings in RegExp constructors |
no-irregular-whitespace | disallow irregular whitespace | |
no-misleading-character-class | disallow characters which are made with multiple code points in character class syntax | |
no-obj-calls | disallow calling global object properties as functions | |
no-prototype-builtins | disallow calling some Object.prototype methods directly on objects |
no-regex-spaces | disallow multiple spaces in regular expressions | |
no-setter-return | disallow returning values from setters | |
no-sparse-arrays | disallow sparse arrays | |
no-unexpected-multiline | disallow confusing multiline expressions | |
no-unreachable | disallow unreachable code after return , throw , continue , and break statements |
no-unsafe-finally | disallow control flow statements in finally blocks |
no-unsafe-negation | disallow negating the left operand of relational operators | |
require-atomic-updates | disallow assignments that can lead to race conditions due to usage of await or yield |
use-isnan | require calls to isNaN() when checking for NaN |
valid-typeof | enforce comparing typeof expressions against valid strings |
Rule | Value | Description |
no-delete-var | disallow deleting variables | |
no-restricted-globals | event | disallow specified global variables |
no-shadow-restricted-names | disallow identifiers from shadowing restricted names | |
no-undef | disallow the use of undeclared variables unless mentioned in /*global */ comments |
no-unused-vars | disallow unused variables | |
no-use-before-define | disallow the use of variables before they are defined |
Rule | Value | Description |
strict | require or disallow strict mode directives |