A pure and extensible JavaScript Wallet Library for Dash
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Under active development.
Dash is a powerful new peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. The decentralized nature of the Dash network allows for highly resilient Dash infrastructure, and the developer community needs reliable, open-source tools to implement Dash apps and services.
In order to use this library, you will need to add it to your project as a dependency.
Having NodeJS installed, just type in your terminal :
npm install @dashevo/wallet-lib
For browser usage, you can also directly rely on unpkg. Below, we also assume you use localforage as your persistance adapter.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@dashevo/wallet-lib"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/localforage"></script>
const wallet = new Wallet({adapter: localforage});
In your file, where you want to execute it :
const { Wallet, EVENTS } = require('@dashevo/wallet-lib');
const wallet = new Wallet();
// Do something with account.
Wallet will by default connects to DAPI and use either localforage (browser based device) or a InMem adapter.
Account will by default be on expected BIP44 path (...0/0).
Insight-Client has been removed from MVP and is not working since Wallet-lib v3.0.
You can see here, some Examples.
Wallet-Lib is maintained by the Dash Core Developers. We want to thanks all member of the community that have submited suggestions, issues and pull requests.
MIT © Dash Core Group, Inc.