Android Sample Kotlin Devises (currency converter) used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
I wrote a post in my blog called Support of Kotlin & Architecture Components to explain how Android Architecture Components works.
- Kotlin
- Android Architecture Components
- RxJava & RxAndroid
- Dagger 2
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Currency Layer API to retrieve currency exchanges (free version)
- Getting started with Android and Kotlin by Jetbrains
- Get Started with Kotlin on Android by Google
- Kotlin Lang Reference
- Kotlin Blog by Jetbrains
- Kotlin Kapt Annotation processing
- Kotlin for Android Developers by Antonio Leiva
- Android Architecture Components
- Adding Components to your Project
- Android Architecture Components Samples
- Android Architecture Components CodeLabs
- Android Conferences - Google I/O 2017
" You can now use a LiveData object as an observable field in data binding expressions. The ViewDataBinding class now includes a new setLifecycle method that you need to use to use to observe LiveData objects "
Feel free to report or add any useful feature, I will be glad to improve it with your help.
- Erik Jhordan Rey - [email protected] or [email protected]
Copyright 2017 Erik Jhordan Rey
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