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Maze generation and plotting using recursive backtracking

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Generate perfect (only a single solution without retracing steps) mazes using recursive backtracing. All cells of the maze will be connected with each other, meaning every point is reachable from every other point.

Allows creating masked mazes by specifying an image. A mask image limits the possible space for maze generation and allows to create mazes of arbitrary shapes. Also allows to automatically generate a mask from text.


  • Python >= 3.6
  • numpy
  • PIL
  • flask for the web interface


  1. Ensure you have pip and venv installed in your python distribution
  2. Create a virtual environment called venv: python -m venv venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment by source venv/bin/activate (for Linux and MacOs) or venv\Scripts\activate (for Windows)
  4. Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Local webserver

After activating the venv, run python to create a local instance of the web page.


These are the things you can do

  • Generate rectangular mazes
  • Generate mazes within mask images (masks limit where mazes are generated)
  • Generate text as a mask

General options

These options can be specified for normal and masked maze generation. To select between the two, specify generate or mask after the general options. Both commands have specific suboptions, see Maze generation options and Mask image options.

$ python 
usage: [-h] [-f FILENAME] [-s SEED] [-o ORIGIN ORIGIN] [-c CELLSIZE] [-l LINEWIDTH] [-d FONTSIZE] [-b BORDERSIZE] {generate,mask} ...

Generate mazes.

positional arguments:
  {generate,mask}       Select between just maze generation with width/height or generating a maze with a mask.
    generate            Generate a maze within a rectangle.
    mask                Apply mask to limit maze.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                        Filename that is used to save the maze.
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Seed for random generator.
                        x y coordinate of the start cell in the maze
  -c CELLSIZE, --cellsize CELLSIZE
                        Cell size in pixels for plotting.
  -l LINEWIDTH, --linewidth LINEWIDTH
                        Line width of cell walls for plotting in pixels.
  -d FONTSIZE, --fontsize FONTSIZE
                        Font size for text mask. Only used if text is specified.
  -b BORDERSIZE, --bordersize BORDERSIZE
                        Border size for text mask. Only used if text is specified.

Maze generation options

The generate sub command generates rectangular mazes. You can specify the dimensions of maze and use all the basic arguments such as seed as well.

python generate -h
usage: generate [-h] width height

positional arguments:
  width       Width of the maze in cells.
  height      Height of the maze in cells.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


$ python -f example.png -s mazemaker generate 100 50

Will generate a maze with the seed mazemaker, width of 100 and height of 50 cells and save it in a file named example.png.

Generated maze

Mask image options

Specify either a mask image or text for which a mask will be automatically created.

For mask images (-m): which mask image to use. One pixel of the mask image will be one cell in the final maze. Mask images are expected to be saved with 8-bit pixels, black and white. A black pixel blocks traversal of the algorithm, allowing to build walls.

For mask text (-t): Text used for mask generation.

python mask -h
usage: mask [-h] [-m MASKIMG | -t TEXT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MASKIMG, --maskimg MASKIMG
                        Image to use as mask, where only white pixels can be visited by the algorithm, while black pixels are forbidden. If this is specified, the maze will be of the same dimensions as the mask image.
  -t TEXT, --text TEXT  Text to use as a mask where the maze is generate inside the text. If this is specified, the size of the maze is derived from the text and the fontsize and bordersize parameters.


python -f images/dogmaze.png -o 26 30 -l 2 mask -m images/dog_outline.png

Generate a maze from a mask image (dog_outline.png). Starting cell is pixel x:26, y:30 in the mask image. Wall thickness is two pixels. Save it in dogmaze.png

Generated maze

Generating mask images from text

If you want to generate the maze inside the letters the font has to connect letters together. I found the Unicorn font from Nick Curtis which is free and can be downloaded from DaFont.

python -h
usage: [-h] [-f FILENAME] [-s FONTSIZE] [-b BORDERSIZE]

Generate a mask image to be used with the maze generator. This script creates
a mask image from the text string.Areas in black will be treated as walls by
the algorithm, acting as aborder of the maze generation.

positional arguments:
 text                  Text to be used as mask. Will be converted to lower

optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                       Filename under which the mask image will be saved.
 -s FONTSIZE, --fontsize FONTSIZE
                       Font size in points to use for text. A size <16 will
                       be too small for letters to connect with the default
                       Unicorn font.
                       Thickness of space around the text bounding box to the
                       image border in pixels.
 -i, --invert          Flag argument. If not specified (default) the letters
                       will be white with a black border. This means the maze
                       can be generated within the letters. Otherwise, if
                       this option is specified, the letters will be the
                       completely black and the maze will be generated around


$ python mazemaker -b 8 -s 32

Creates a mask image from the text mazemaker with font size 32 and border size 8. Saves in default mask.png in the current directory.

Generated image


Maze generation and plotting using recursive backtracking






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