UWB-Berkeley Quarter-long AI Pacman Project
Search project required search and heuristic functions to be implemented in the following files:
- search.py
- searchAgents.py
In search.py, functions implemented are:
- depthFirstSearch
- breadthFistSearch
- uniformCostSearch
- aStarSearch
In searchAgents.py, functions implemented are:
- cornersProblem
- cornersHeuristic
- foodHeuristic
- closestDotSearchAgent
Search project required implementation of an evaluation function and minimax implemented in:
- multiAgents.py
In multiAgents.py, functions implemented are:
- ReflexAgent's evaluationFuntion
- Minimax's getAction and minimax
Search project required implementation of alpha-beta pruning, expectimax search and a better evaluation function in:
- multiAgents.py
In multiAgents.py, functions implemented are:
- AlphaBetaAgent's getAction and prunedMinimax (alpha-beta)
- ExpectimaxAgent's getAction and expectimax
- betterEvaluationFunction