This is a simple working example of how to deploy a container in google compute engine using terraform and docker.
- A google project with owner access rights.
- Docker engine.
Create the credentials.json
- Google Console -> "APIs & services -> Credentials"
- Choose create- > "service account key" -> compute engine service account -> JSON (Download)
Build the docker image with:
$ docker build -t gce_mgmt .
The command above will generate an alpine based image which is very small (324MB). Alternatively you can build an ubuntu based image (678MB) with the follwing:
docker build -t gce_mgmt:ubuntu -f Dockerfile.ubuntu .
Run the docker container, mapping the directory where the json was downloaded:
$ docker run --rm -v $HOME/downloads:/opt/downloads -it gce_mgmt
copy the json downloaded into the working directory (/gcloud) of the container (credentials.json file):
$ sudo cp /opt/downloads/project-123141.json credentials.json
load the environment variables:
$ source
If that is the first time your run this in your project, you might want to enable the google cloud apis, otherwise press any key to ignore it.
Initialize terraform:
terraform init
Deploy the example
$ terraform apply
Access the ip address shown at the terraform output and check if nginx is running. --profit.
Clean up the deployment
$ terraform destroy
You can access gce instances with the alias: sshgcp instance There are other interesting aliases you might find useful (after generating the tfstate with terraform apply:
- ansible-ti : ansible command plus terraform dynamic inventory
- ansible-tip : ansible-playbook command plus terraform dynamic inventory
- ansible-inventory-ti : ansible-inventory command plus terraform dynamic inventory
After deploying terraform, run ansible-tip sshscan.yml to load the ssh keys of remote nodes.