Like llvm-calc, but adapting it for learning WASM.
Each directory slowly adds features to a calculator that compiles to WASM.
Simple numerical expressions
1 + 2 + 3 * 3
Basic if expressions
if 1 == 2 then 7 else 8
Simple functions
function sum(a: Integer, b: Integer) {
a + b
Simple compound types (tuples).
function swapPair(pair: (Integer, Boolean)) {
(pair.2, pair.1)
if swapPair((100,True)).1 then 7 else 8
Floats, boxing, polymorphism, use different WASM types
function sumPair(pair: (Float,Float)) {
pair.1 + pair.2
function makePair<a,b>(left: a, right: b) {
(left, right)
- Linearity checker - boxed types must be used once
function usingBoxedValueTwiceWillFail(a: Box(Integer)) { (a,a) }
function notUsingValueWillFail(a: Box(Integer)) { True }
function usingPrimitiveTwiceIsFine(a: Integer) { a + a }
- Let bindings
let a = 123;
let b = a + 123;
b + 100
- Destructuring
let (a,b) = (1,2); a + b
Use precise WASM types
import imports.draw as draw(
x: Int64, y: Int64, r: Int64, g: Int64, b: Int64
) -> Void
- Prettyprinting
function min(floor: Int64, value: Int64) {
if value > floor then value else floor
function max(ceiling: Int64, value: Int64) {
if value < ceiling then value else ceiling
function clamp(
floor: Int64, ceiling: Int64, value: Int64
) { min(floor, max(ceiling, value))}
function drawBounded(
x: Int64, y: Int64, r: Int64, g: Int64, b: Int64
) {
let maxWidth = 400;
let maxHeight = 300;
clamp(0, maxWidth, x), clamp(0, maxHeight, y), r, g, b
export function test(index: Int64) {
let r = clamp(0, 255, index * 2);
let g = clamp(0, 255, 255 - r);
let b = clamp(0, 255, r * 3);
drawBounded(index * 2, index * 3, r, g, b);
drawBounded(100 - index, index * 3, b, g, r);
drawBounded(10 + index * 3, 50 - index * 2, g, r, b);
drawBounded(index * 4, 200 - index * 3, b, r, g)
- Read and write from linear memory:
memory 1000
function sum(a: Int64, b: Int64) -> Int64 { a + b }
function main -> Int64 {
store(0, (20: Int64));
store(8, (22: Int64));
sum(load(0), load(8))
We provide a size upfront so any other allocations start after this.
- Use Wasm memory imported from Javascript:
import env.memory as memory 1000
import console.log as consoleLog(number: Int64) -> Void
export function test() -> Int64 {
let (a,b) = ((1: Int64), (2: Int64));
let _ = consoleLog(a + b);
- Read and write from globals
global immutable: Int64 = 1
function main() -> Int64 {
immutable + 1
global mut counter: Int64 = 0
function main() -> Int64 {
set(counter, 2);
Upgrade from bump allocator (never free memory) to an actual malloc / free implementation written in the language itself.
Ability checking - annotate functions with things they're not allowed to do:
function [noglobalmutate noallocate noimports] add(
a: Int8, b: Int8
) -> Int8 { a + b}
Inline tests - expressions that return True
or False
that are automatically
run on each run of the typechecker.
test dropThenReallocate =
let a = malloc(3);
malloc(3) == a
Pattern matching and literals in patterns
function patternMatch(
tuple: (Boolean,Boolean,Int8)
) -> Int8 {
case tuple {
(True,False,c) -> { c },
(False,True,c) -> { 1 - c },
_ -> 0
Declare algebraic data types and pattern match on them
type Colour = Red | Green | Blue
function test() -> Int8 {
case Blue { Red -> 1, Green -> 2, Blue -> 3 }
type These<a,b> = This(a) | That(b) | These(a,b)
function test() -> Boolean {
case These(True,False) {
This(a) -> a,
That(b) -> b,
These(a,b) -> a && b
type Maybe<a> = Just(a) | Nothing
function fromMaybe<a>(maybe: Maybe(a), default: a) -> a {
case maybe {
Just(a) -> a,
Nothing -> default
function test() -> Int64 {
let matchValue: Maybe(Box(Int64)) = Just(Box(100));
let default: Box(Int64) = Box(0);
let Box(result) = fromMaybe(matchValue, default);
type List<a> = Cons(a, List(a)) | Nil
function sum(list:List(Int64)) -> Int64 {
case list {
Cons(a, rest) -> a + sum(rest),
Nil -> 0
function test() -> Int64 {
sum(Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Nil)))))