GitHub fixed it by using Base64 encoded timestamp (LOL🤣) page index instead of page number so it is harder to quickly navigate to different pages as predict the excat timestamp is hard.
The page index looks like Base64 to me so I decoded some:
Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAxOS0wNi0wOVQxOToyNDo0MC0wNDowMM4Cut97 -> cursor:v2:2019-06-09T19:24:40-04:00�{
Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAxOS0wNi0yNVQyMTo0NzoxNi0wNDowMM4Cwicz -> cursor:v2:2019-06-25T21:47:16-04:00�'3
Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAxOS0wNS0yNFQxMDowNDo1OC0wNDowMM4CsqPx -> cursor:v2:2019-05-24T10:04:58-04:00�
Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAxNy0xMS0xMlQwMTowMToxMy0wNTowMM4Bve -> cursor:v2:2017-11-12T01:01:13-05:00�
Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAxNy0xMS0xMlQwMDo1ODo1Ny0wNTowMM4Bve9S -> cursor:v2:2017-11-12T00:58:57-05:00�R
That makes sense because the timestamp is used for pagination now instead of page number (from the timestamp get 20 records). I'm sure there is another easy way to get around this. Just don't have time to play with it. Have fun!
- add chrome extension
(add jQuery) - add the following code
- goto followers or following page -> refresh page ...
$(document).ready(function() {
// 1~2 sec
var seed = parseInt(Math.random() * 1000) + 1000;
//page 1
var bt_disabled = $('.pagination span').text() === "Previous";
//last page, not prev/next btn
var pre_next_btn = $('.pagination a').length;
//users haven't been followed this page
var users = $('.follow button');
//ex: "?page=100&tab=following"
var urlPara =;
var currentPage =\d+\.?\d*/) ? parseInt(\d+\.?\d*/)[0]) : 0;
//remove all unfollow form
users.each(function(index, value) {
let _this = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
}, index * seed);
setTimeout(function() {
if (bt_disabled) {
$('.pagination a')[0].click();
} else if (pre_next_btn === 0) {
} else {
window.location = window.location.pathname +, currentPage + 1);
}, users.length * seed);
Current speed: 12 following / sec (43,000 / hour), it is easy to get 300k following but to scale up to 10 million following this is slow.