This is based on SMACSS and BEM
I use this for a starting point for all my projects.
This will create your sass compiled, and generate a kss-node style guide. You can use $ grunt watch
to monitor your sass folder for changes and it will compile everything for you.
├── base
│ ├── layout.scss
│ ├── config.scss
│ ├── typography.scss
├── modules
│ ├── buttons.scss
│ ├── list.scss
│ └── navigation.scss
├── settings
│ ├── extend.scss
│ ├── mixins.scss
│ └── variables.scss
└── state
└── state.scss
This depends on (Node)[] and (npm)[].
- Git is a recommendation with your workflow (
Grunt (
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
KSS-Node (
$ npm install -g kss
CoffeeScript (
$ npm install -g coffee-script
Compass (
$ gem update --system
$ gem install compass
Sass (
$ gem install sass
Susy (
$ gem install susy
This is assuming that you have Requirements installed on your system already
$ git clone [email protected]:dakotalightning/Module-Starter.git
$ cd Module-Starter
$ npm install
$ grunt --verbose
or$ grunt
- The file system will be created from your style sheets
- You can now open
$ grunt watch
- This will watch the sass folder for outputs and generate your sass and styleguide as you work
- grunt-contrib-compass
- grunt-contrib-uglify
- grunt-contrib-coffee
- grunt-contrib-cssmin
- grunt-contrib-clean
- grunt-contrib-watch
- grunt-contrib-copy
- grunt-htmlhint
- grunt-shell
- grunt-cssc
- matchdep
- yepnope (
- Oct 20, 2013 0.1.0 Started created the full workflow