See me runing at:
This phone book stores several phone numbers for a specific contact in a real-time environment. Hence, you can create, delete, and update contacts with other people at the same time without reloading the page.
The client side was developed in Backbone and CoffeeScript. The server is runing in Rails; this has the API structure which is called from Backbone to do CRUD on the data (the data is stored in PostgreSQL). The view was developed with Twitter-Bootstrap, and the real-time feature was developed using Pusher (
If you want to see the project running, all you have to do is go to and check all the features of this awesome phone book.
If you want to run it in your on environment:
Clone the project.
Install RoR in your environment.
Open a terminal. Go to the project and run $ bundle install (I recommend to have RVM first).
Run rake db:migrate after bundle ends the installation process.
Add the global variable environment for Pusher. Ask me for it. These are:
Finally, run the server. $ rails s
Go to localhost:3000 and enjoy.