Should maybe rename this vCRUDe as in Very CRUDe
Cause overengineering is still engineering
There is probably 5 better ways of solving this, and at least one is native in the browser. But it was a fun experiment.
NB! this is 1 indexed cause why not.
const store = {} as { [key: string]: string };
function save(key: string, value: string) {
store[key] = value;
function load(key: string) {
return store[key];
createLocalREST(save, load, {
"accounts": [{
name: "Dags account",
number: 123432123343
localRestGet<User>("users") // returns User[]
localRestGet<User>("users", 1) // returns list with the indexed user
Post is always array as we can not overload functions
const user = {
name: "Dag 2",
age: 23,
localRestPost("users", [user]);
put has the id of the object so we dont need to pass it additionally
const user = {
id: 1,
name: "Dag 2",
age: 23,
localRestPut("users", user);
pretty straight forward
localRestDelete("users", 1);