A decentralized blockchain expense management system for personal and business powered by the Stellar Network.
BlockBill is a solution that enables users to seamlessly track and files expenses between Stellar wallets.
- iOS
- Android
- BlockBill extracts the data automatically from a bill/invoice allowing the user to simply request a payment by scanning them on the app.
- Payments can be requested to anyone who is already in the stellar network
- The expense recipient will be notified when a payment request has been created
- Once notified, he/she would be able to review all the details from the bill/invoice and decide if make the payment right away or create a claim balance using the new brand feature of Stellar Protocol 15
GraphQL scheme https://blockbill.hasura.app/v1/graphql
Postgress and Hashura console https://blockbill.hasura.app/console/
This is the Meridian 2020 hackaton project made by @dabitdev and @narayanansampath. The project has a frontend part implemented in Flutter and a postgress database and a GraphQL api.