This paper creates an FPGA implementation of It implements a network with half the number of convolutional filters as in this paper achieving 91.9% on CIFAR10
Also checkout our more recent work here
conv1 => 64x3x3x3
conv2 => 64x3x3x64
mp1 => 2x2 kernel with stride 2
conv3 => 128x3x3x64
conv4 => 128x3x3x128
mp2 => 2x2 kernel with stride 2
conv5 => 256x3x3x128
conv6 => 256x3x3x256
mp3 => 2x2 kernel with stride 2
dense => 4096x1024
dense => 1024x10
The complete verilog, including constraints is included in all_code.tgz An IP block is also available in and The complete network with dense layers did not fit on the FPGA, so the IP core without them is included as well To generate, run the script, note however it takes a long time (8hrs+) and alot of memory (250GB)
There is no I/O included in this script but it targeted the AWS-F1 instance FPGA with part number xcvu9p-flgb2104-2-i
Please cite:
title={Unrolling Ternary Neural Networks},
author={Tridgell, Stephen and Kumm, Martin and Hardieck, Martin and Boland, David and Moss, Duncan and Zipf, Peter and Leong, Philip HW},
journal={ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS)},