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A program for calculating corpora alignments using a pivot language


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ictools - a program for calculating corpora alignments using a pivot language

This is a faster, less memory-consuming, integrated replacement for legacy,,, scripts used to prepare corpora alignment numeric data from lists of structural attribute values mapping between languages. It also fixes some problems with missing ranges for unaligned structures you can encounter when using the scripts above. In addition, it also provides an export function for performing reversed operations.

Note: you still need mkalign tool distributed along with Manatee-open to enable corpora alignments in KonText (or NoSkE).


Using ictools

Ictools provide three operations - import, transalign and export:


Import operation transforms an alignment XML file containing aligned string sentence IDs to a numeric form. It is able to handle non-existing alignments, gaps between ranges (including the last row range where structure size is always used to make sure the whole range is filled in).

In terms of the input format, a list of <link> elements is expected:

<link type='0-3' xtargets=';cs:Adams-Holisticka_det_k:0:7:1 cs:Adams-Holisticka_det_k:0:7:2 cs:Adams-Holisticka_det_k:0:7:3' status='man'/>

Please note that the parser does not care about XML validity (e.g. there is no need for a root element or even a proper nesting of elements).

In some cases you may want to tweak line buffer size (value is in bytes; by default bufio.MaxScanTokenSize = 64 * 1024 is used which may fail in case of some complex alignments and/or long text identifiers). In case the buffer is too small, ictools will end with fatal log event returning a non-zero value to shell.

ictools -line-buffer 250000 -registry-path /var/local/corpora/registry import ....etc...


Let's say we have two files with mappings between Polish and Czech (intercorp_pl2cs) and between English and Czech (intercorp.en2cs) where Czech is a pivot.

ictools -registry-path /var/local/corpora/registry import intercorp_v10_pl intercorp_v10_cs /var/local/corpora/aligndef/intercorp_pl2cs > intercorp.pl2cs

ictools -registry-path /var/local/corpora/registry import intercorp_v10_en intercorp_v10_cs /var/local/corpora/aligndef/intercorp_en2cs > intercorp.en2cs


Transalign operation takes two numeric alignments against a common pivot language and generates a new alignment between the two non-pivot languages.


ictools transalign ./intercorp.pl2cs ./intercorp.en2cs > intercorp.pl2en


The export operation is able to reconstruct the XML-ish source used as an input for the import operation using numeric alignment files as produced by import -> transalign operations. Any grouped intervals are split back to the original text groups.


ictools -export-type intercorp export /corpora/registry/intercorp_v12_cs /corpora/registry/intercorp_v12_en /corpora/aligndef/intercorp.cs2en > orig.xml

How to build ictools

ICTools come with manabuild as its dependency. So in case you have ~/go/bin in your $PATH, everything needed to build ictools is:


In case Manabuild finds Manatee-open in a non-standard location where system does not look for libraries, it produces ictools.bin with actual ICTools binary and ictools which is a short Bash script to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the path Manabuild found Manatee in and to start the binary. So in this case, two files must be moved (or copied) to a target installation location (e.g. /usr/local/bin).s


Used data files:

  • intercorp_pl2cs (size 1.4GB)
  • intercorp_pl2en (size 1.5GB)

Used hardware:

  • A (a server)
    • CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2640 v3 @ 2.60GHz
    • 64GB RAM
  • B (a common Dell desktop)
    • CPU: Intel Core) i5-2400 @ 3.10GHz
    • 8GB RAM
Setup Used program calign+fixgaps+compress [sec] transalign [sec] total [sec]
A classic scripts 255 191 446
A ictools 164 55 219
B classic scripts 312 DNF (RAM) DNF
B ictools 175 63 238

Ictools are approximately twice as fast as the original Python scripts.

In terms of memory usage, there were no thorough measurements performed but according to the top utility the transalign function in ictools consumes about 30-40% of of the memory consumed by the classic scripts. The import function (i.e. calign+fixgaps+compress) in both programs consumes only a little RAM because data read from an input file are (almost) immediately written to the output without any unnecessary memory allocation.

For developers

Setting up VSCode debugging/testing environment


manabuild -no-build


Open debug environment (left column) and click the "gear" button to edit launch.json. Then set proper environment variables (just like in the previous paragraph).

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      " ....  parts are omitted here ... " : " ... ",
      "env": {
          "CGO_LDFLAGS": "...",
          "CGO_CPPFLAGS": "...",
          "CGO_CXXFLAGS": "..."
      " ....  parts are omitted here ... " : " ... ",

Where the env. variables part is the one copied in the previous step.

Running tests

manabuild -test