Package to create folders' name path. Take a look to dailyfolders to see it in action.
go get
Set the options according to the following struct:
type UserReq struct {
Lang string `json:"lang"` // Language selection: Italian('it_IT') and English('en_US' default)
PathSep string `json:"pathsep"` // Path separator for the desired OS
DateFrom string `json:"datefrom"` // The starting date in format YYYY-MM-DD(eg.: 2019-11-08 or 2019-11 or 2019) on missing day or month will be selected the first avaiable. If the final date won't be supplied the last day of the year or month will be the selected
DateTo string `json:"dateto"` // The final date in format YYYY-MM-DD(eg.: 2020-01-16 or 2020-01) on missing day will be selected the last avaiable
Suffix string `json:"suffix"` // Add suffix to day folder's name
Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // Add prefix to day folder's name
LoneOrSub bool `json:"loneorsub"` // True: A long forlder name per day, eg: 2017-01-22 (default); False: a forlder for the year, subfolders for the months and subfolders for the days.
Duration int `json:"duration"` // Duration in number of the days(1 to 366)
Content string `json:"content"` // Last names to add to daily name separated by comma
DoW int `json:"dayoftheweek"` // Day's name added: Monday(1=long format), Mon(0=short format)
DoM int `json:"dayofthemonth"` // Month's name added: Jenuary(1=long format), Jen(0=short format)
DoY bool `json:"dayoftheyear"` // Julian date added: 001 to 365/366
and get an array of strings just calling GetDailyNames