A Golang Check Files in Folder package. It provides options to search or not in subfolders, include or exclude hidden files, interval for periodic check and a callback function support.
f1 := &FolderOptions{
AbsPath: "testfolders/a/ah",
CheckSubfolders: false,
IgnoreHiddenFiles: true,
IntervalCheck: 5,
CallbackFunction: func(list []string) {
fmt.Println("f1 has found:")
for _, v := range list {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", v)
f2 := &FolderOptions{
AbsPath: "testfolders",
CheckSubfolders: true,
IgnoreHiddenFiles: false,
IntervalCheck: 8,
CallbackFunction: func(list []string) {
fmt.Println("f2 has found:")
for _, v := range list {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", v)
h := New().AddFolder(f1).AddFolder(f2)
time.Sleep(11 * time.Second)
Feel free to suggest improvements.