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stack-lemp (Linux, NGINX, MySQL, PHP)

This stack will create a full LEMP infrastructure based on Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) and an RDS database on AWS

  • Linux operating system
  • NGINX (Pronounced as Engine-X) web server
  • MySQL (RDS) database server
  • PHP-FPM for dynamic data processing


  • ALB: Amazon Application Load Balancer
  • ASG: Amazon Auto Scaling group for fronts
  • front: EC2 instances from builded AMI
  • RDS (optional): Amazon RDS database (mysql)
  • ElastiCache (optional): Amazon ElastiCache (Redis)
  • S3 bucket (optional): public medias bucket


In order to run this task, couple elements are required within the infrastructure:

  • Having a VPC with private & public subnets Here
  • Having a bastion server to run Ansible like described Here
  • Having an S3 bucket to store Terraform remote states Here
  • Having an S3 bucket for website code WITH versioning enable Here



Note The pipeline contains a manual approval between terraform plan and terraform apply. That means if you trigger a terraform plan, to apply it, you have to go on terraform apply job and click on the + button to trigger it.

Jobs description

  • build-ami-front : Build Front Amazon image AMI using Packer and Ansible.
  • build-application: Runs the appropriate php/composer commands and build a release file of the code to put it on S3.
  • terraform-plan: Terraform job that will simply make a plan of the stack.
  • terraform-apply: Terraform job similar to the plan one, but will actually create/update everything that needs to. Please see the plan diff for a better understanding.
  • unittests: Dummy job meant to eventually be replaced by proper tests or removed.
  • application-deployment: Simply trigger a deployment using Ansible of the last version of the code on existing instances.
  • functional-tests: Dummy job meant to eventually be replaced by proper functional or removed.
  • terraform-destroy: ⚠️ Terraform job meant to destroy the whole stack - NO CONFIRMATION ASKED. If triggered, the full project WILL be destroyed. Use with caution.


Name Description Type Default Required
ansible_vault_password Password used by ansible vault to decrypt your vaulted files. - ((custom_ansible_vault_password)) False
ansible_version Ansible version used in packer and cycloid-toolkit ansible runner - "2.9" True
aws_access_key Amazon AWS access key for Terraform. See value format here - ((aws.access_key)) True
aws_default_region Amazon AWS region to use for Terraform. - eu-west-1 True
aws_secret_key Amazon AWS secret key for Terraform. See value format here - ((aws.secret_key)) True
bastion_private_key_pair bastion SSH private key used by ansible to connect on AWS EC2 instances and the bastion itself. - ((ssh_bastion.ssh_key)) True
bastion_url bastion URL used by ansible to connect on AWS EC2 instances. - [email protected] True
config_ansible_path Path of Ansible files in the config Git repository - ($ project $)/ansible True
config_git_branch Branch of the config Git repository. - master True
config_git_private_key SSH key pair to fetch the config Git repository. - ((ssh_config.ssh_key)) True
config_git_repository Git repository URL containing the config of the stack. - [email protected]:MyUser/config-lemp-app.git True
config_pipeline_path Path of pipeline task yml files in the config Git repository. Used to override pipeline yask like build-release.yml - ($ project $)/pipeline True
config_terraform_path Path of Terraform files in the config git repository - ($ project $)/terraform/($ environment $) True
customer Name of the Cycloid Organization, used as customer variable name. - ($ organization_canonical $) True
cycloid_toolkit_tag_prefix Prefix used with ansible_version to match cycloid-toolkit docker image tag. (example with "a": cycloid/cycloid-toolkit:a2.9). - "a" True
debug_public_key SSH pubkey injected by packer during the ec2 ami build. Used only to debug failure. - "" False
deploy_bucket_name AWS S3 bucket name in which store the builded code of the website. - ($ project $)-deploy True
deploy_bucket_object_path AWS S3 bucket path in which store the builded code of the website. - /catalog-lemp-app/($ environment $)/lemp-app.tar.gz True
env Name of the project's environment. - ($ environment $) True
lemp_git_branch Branch of the LEMP source code Git repository. - master True
lemp_git_private_key SSH key pair to fetch LEMP source code Git repository. - ((ssh_lemp_app.ssh_key)) True
lemp_git_repository URL to the Git repository containing LEMP website source code. - [email protected]:MyUser/code-lemp.git True
project Name of the project. - ($ project $) True
rds_password Password used for your rds. Set "empty" if you dont use databases - ((custom_rds_password)) True
stack_git_branch Branch to use on the public stack Git repository - master True
terraform_storage_bucket_name AWS S3 bucket name to store terraform remote state file. - ($ organization_canonical $)-terraform-remote-state True
terraform_version terraform version used to execute your code. - '1.0.1' True



Name Description Type Default Required
application_ssl_cert ARN of an Amazon cert (ACM) to use for the loadbalancer. - `` False
bastion_sg_allow Amazon source security group ID which will be allowed to connect on Fronts port 22 (SSH). - `` False
cache_subnet_group Name of the Amazon ElastiCache subnet group to use. If not specified, create a dedicated group with private_subnets_ids. - `` False
cloudfront_aliases Extra cname for the cloudfront distribution. list [] False
cloudfront_ssl_certificate ACM certificate arn to use for cloudfront domain. Need to be in us-east-1 region. string "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:xxxxxxxx:certificate/xxxxxxx" False
create_cloudfront_medias Create a Cloudfront on top of medias S3 bucket. bool false False
create_elasticache bool true False
create_rds Define if we want to create or not an RDS database. bool false False
create_s3_medias Create a S3 bucket dedicated to medias for the LEMP application. bool false False
create_ses_access Create a iam user and instance profile to use AWS SES. bool false False
elasticache_engine Type of the ElastiCache engine. - redis False
elasticache_engine_version Version of the ElastiCache engine. - 5.0.6 False
elasticache_nodes Number of nodes in the ElastiCache cluster. - 1 False
elasticache_parameter_group_name ElastiCache group parameter name to use. - default.redis5.0 False
elasticache_port Port of the ElastiCache. - 6379 False
elasticache_type Instance size to use for ElastiCache nodes. - cache.t2.micro False
extra_tags Dict of extra tags to add on aws resources. format { "foo" = "bar" }. - {} False
front_asg_max_size Maximum number of front server allowed in the AutoScaling group. - 5 False
front_count Desired number of front servers. - 1 False
front_disk_size Disk size of front servers. - 30 False
front_ebs_optimized Whether the Instance is EBS optimized or not, related to the instance type you choose. bool false False
front_type Type of instance to use for front servers. - t3.small False
keypair_name Name of an existing AWS SSH keypair to use to deploy EC2 instances. - cycloid False
metrics_sg_allow Additionnal security group ID to assign to servers. Goal is to allow monitoring server to query metrics. - "" False
private_subnets_ids Amazon subnets IDs on which create each components. array `` True
public_subnets_ids Amazon subnets IDs on which create each components. array `` True
rds_backup_retention The days to retain backups for. Must be between 0 and 35. When creating a Read Replica the value must be greater than 0. - 7 False
rds_database RDS database name. - application False
rds_disk_size RDS disk size. - 10 False
rds_engine RDS database engine to use. - mysql False
rds_engine_version The version of the RDS database engine. - 5.7.16 False
rds_extra_sg_allow Amazon source security group ID which will be allowed to connect on rds. - `` False
rds_multiaz If the RDS instance is multi AZ enabled. bool false False
rds_parameters Name of the RDS parameters group to use. - default.mysql5.7 False
rds_password RDS password. expected value is "${var.rds_password}" to get it from the pipeline. - ChangeMePls False
rds_subnet_group RDS subnet group name to use. If not specified, create a dedicated group with private_subnets_ids. - `` False
rds_type RDS database instance size. - db.t3.small False
rds_username RDS database username. - application False
s3_medias_acl Set the default acl of the medias S3 bucket. string "public-read" False
s3_medias_policy_json Override the default json policy applied to the bucket. string data.aws_iam_policy_document.public_s3_bucket_medias[0].json False
ses_resource_arn Define a arn to limitate SES access. string "*" False
vpc_id Amazon VPC id on which create each components. - `` True


Name Description
alb_front_dns_name DNS name of the front ALB.
alb_front_zone_id Zone ID of the front ALB.
elasticache_address Address of the ElastiCache.
elasticache_cluster_id Cluster Id of the ElastiCache.
rds_address Address of the RDS database.
rds_port Port of the RDS database.
rds_username Username of the RDS database.
rds_database Database name of the RDS database.
iam_s3-medias_user_key Access key of the dedicated IAM user to access to the media S3 bucket.
iam_s3-medias_user_secret Access secret key of the dedicated IAM user to access to the media S3 bucket.
iam_s3-medias_user_name Iam user name of the dedicated IAM user to access to the media S3 bucket.
s3_medias S3 bucket name dedicated to medias.
iam_ses_user_key Iam user key for SES.
iam_ses_user_secret Iam user secret for SES.
iam_ses_smtp_user_key Smtp user key for ses.
iam_ses_smtp_user_secret Smtp user secret for ses.
cloudfront_medias_domain_name Cloudfront domain on top of S3 medias bucket.


  • Playbook and packer config to build a debian image with telegraf, fluentd, nginx and php-fpm installed
Name Description Type Default Required
cycloid_files_watched Provide log files you want to export to Cycloid logs. - <Default log files watched> False
nginx_sites Contain Nginx vhosts to create on front servers. A default application and metrics vhosts are already provided. dict <metric and application vhost> False
nginx_vhost_extra_directive If you need extra directive to add in the default application vhost. Example basic auth, https redirect ... dict `` False
php_version_to_install PHP fpm version to install. - 7.2 False
telegraf_install Install telegraf bool true False

Molecule tests

Requires a bucket which contains a build of magento sources and AWS access key

virtualenv if needed

virtualenv    .env  --clear
source .env/bin/activate

pip install ansible==2.7 molecule==3.0a4 docker-py

Run the test

cd ansible


export DEPLOY_BUCKET_NAME=cycloid-deploy
export DEPLOY_BUCKET_OBJECT_PATH=catalog-lemp-app/ci/lemp-app.tar.gz
export DEPLOY_BUCKET_REGION=eu-west-1

# Run molecule
molecule destroy
molecule converge
molecule verify