This code is used to convert XML files - in a home-grown schema - to HTML files on the CXC website. It can be thought of as a static website generator, but very specialized for Chandra.
One concern is that the pages can be used "easily" if they are downloaded from the CXC website and used locally. The main issue is that it is "natural" to create a link to a directory, but for the local use case we should append "index.html".
One way to check is to fine the HTML files and use the unused/list_links.xsl stylesheet - e.g.
% xsltproc -html unused/list_links.xsl /path/to/*.html > /tmp/x.lis
... ignore this output
% sort /tmp/x.lis | uniq -c
2 /help/
1 threads/auxlut/
1 threads/axbary/
1 threads/ciao_install_conda/
2 threads/ciao_install_tool/
1 threads/ciao_startup/
2 threads/createL2/
2 threads/diffuse_emission/
1 threads/merge_all/
1 threads/prep_chart/
1 threads/reproject_aspect/
This shows that the threadlink code needs work. The /help/
link is
"okay" since it isn't going to work for a local download anyway.