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tmcw edited this page Jul 10, 2012 · 1 revision

var ease = mapbox.ease()

This creates a new object from which to do easing transitions.


Set the 'from' coordinate in this easing. The map starts from here. You don't usually need to call this, because calling .map(mapObject) automatically assigns from to the current position of the map:

from = map.coordinate.copy();

Set the destination of the ease: this takes MM.Coordinates - you can get coordinates out of other types by using locationCoordinate and pointCoordinate.

Since easey deals exclusively in Coordinates, the reference for converting between points, locations, and coordinates in Modest Maps is essential reading.


Set the zoom level of the to coordinate, so the zoom level that easey is easing to. This is a convenience function for;


Derive a point in the ease. The argument is a float between 0 and 1, in which 0 is from and 1 is to.


Get the future of an easing transition, given a number of parts for it to be divided over. This returns an array of MM.Coordinate objects representing each in-between location.

This is a convenience function for calling easey.t() a bunch of times.

ease.easing('easeIn', 'easeOut', 'easeInOut', 'linear')

Set the easing. This takes a string, like "easeIn"


This defines the type of path that easey follows:

  • screen: a 'straight line' path from place to place - in the Mercator projection, this is a rhumb line
  • about: the default path for a double-click zoom: this keeps a single coordinate in the same screen pixel over the zoom transition[time], [callback])

Start an animated ease. Both parameters are optional - time will default to 1000 and is measured in milliseconds.

The second argument is a callback - a Javascript function that is called when the map has moved to its destination.

var isRunning = ease.running()

Returns true or false depending on whether easey is currently animating the map.


Abort the currently running animation.