[Babel] plugin to convert [Flow] code into [TypeScript]
$ npm install -g @babel/cli @babel/core
$ npm install babel-plugin-flow-to-typescript
# you must use babel@^7.x.x
$ babel --version
7.4.4 (@babel/core 7.4.5)
$ babel --plugins babel-plugin-flow-to-typescript ${SRC_FLOW_FILE} -o ${DEST_TS_FILE}
Supported? | Syntax | Flow | TypeScript |
✅ | Maybe type | let a:?number |
let a: number | null | undefined |
✅ | Void type | void |
void |
✅ | Object type | Object |
object |
✅ | Mixed type | mixed |
unknown |
✅ | Function type | (A, B) => C |
(x1: A, x2: B) => C |
✅ | Exact type | {| a: A |} |
{ a: A } |
✅ | Indexers | { [A]: B } |
{ [a: A]: B } |
✅ | Existential type | Map<*, *> |
Map<any, any> |
✅ | Opaque types | opaque type A = B |
type A = B |
✅ | Variance | interface A { +b: B, -c: C } |
interface A { readonly b: B, c: C } |
✅ | Type parameter bounds | function f<A: string>(a:A){} |
function f<A extends string>(a:A){} |
✅ | Cast | (a: A) |
(a as A) |
✅ | type/typeof import | import type A from 'module' |
import A from 'module' |
✅ | $Keys | $Keys<X> |
keyof X |
✅ | $Values | $Values<X> |
X[keyof X] |
✅ | $ReadOnly | $Readonly<X> |
Readonly<X> |
✅ | $Exact | $Exact<X> |
X |
✅ | $Diff | $Diff<X, Y> |
Pick<X, Exclude<keyof X, keyof Y>> |
✅ | $PropertyType | $PropertyType<T, k> |
T[k] |
✅ | $ElementType | $ElementType<T, k> |
T[k] |
✅ | $Shape | $Shape<T> |
Partial<T> |
✅ | Class | Class<T> |
typeof T |
✅ | typeof operator | typeof foo |
typeof foo |
✅ | JSX | - | - |
✅ | Tuple type | [number, string] |
[number, string] |
✅ | Type alias | type A = string |
type A = string |
✅ | Flow Ignore | $FlowFixMe |
any |
✅ | Interfaces | interface X { +prop: string } |
interface X { readonly prop: string } |
✅ | Optional Members | a?.b |
... |
✅ | Declare functions | declare function x(false): true; |
function x(x0: false): true; |
✅ | Declare Class | ... |
... |
- Improvements to conversion of record-like types
- Detection and production of a typescript "mapped" type
- Detection and fixing of a generic parameter that should be constrained to "string | number" - an index key type
- Empty object variable declarator ⇒ Annotated with record type
const foo = {}
⇒const foo: Record<string | number, unknown> = {}
[babel]: https://github.com/babel/babel [flow]: https://github.com/facebook/flow [typescript]: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript