SUPer v0.2.1
- Add conservative PTS/DTS strategy checkbox/cli flag.
- Parse config.ini in cli.
- Remove the event overlap checkbox ("additional Scenarist BD checks") as it is always enabled internally.
- Rewrite and optimise RLE encoders and decoders.
- Rewrite events filter. Watch for the minimum delta between two PTS when filtering.
- Revisit PTS and DTS calculations, fix wrong WDS PTS, fix wrong DS decode duration with no ODS.
- Fix normal case object redefinition, it was prone to crashing.
- Estimate the number of colours necessary with PIL when encoding an animation via PILIQ.
- Prevent usage of colour 0x00 to avoid illegal RLE line lengths above bitmap width + 16.
- Add PTS/DTS test at the end to catch errors.
- Terminate all epochs with a palette update to clear the screen rather than a drawing operation.
- Additonally wipe the screen if there's enough time between two epochs.
Hotfixes (0.2.1a/b)
- Fix normal case object redefinition to use "END" segment rather than composition order to draw unredefined object.
- Add a target bitrate checker with a leaky buffer model.
- Add an option to log the conversion to a log file for future inspection.
- Smartly select between screen redraw or palette update depending of time between events to reduce stream size.
- Skip screen layout analysis if the event is small and isolated.
- Update PILIQ and ScenariStream dependencies (you need to pip install again if you do not use the executables).