CTLearn Release v0.6.0
Major upgrade to TensorFlow v2.8 #137
Sphinx docs #139
Major Features
- Upgrade the models to the Keras API in order to run with TF v2.8
- Enable usage of multiple GPUs via
- Make CTLearn user-friendly by allowing several analysis options (like reconstruction tasks, directories, telescope types/ids, quality cuts) to be set from command line. Therefore minimum information about the model has to be included in the config file. Default CTLearn models can be constructed from the command line via default config files shipped by the installation.
- Balance the data for the classification task by default
- Add Sphinx docs and additional code meta data @nietootein
Minor Improvements
- ResNets can be constructed with the SingleCNN model.
- Store Only the best model checkpoints
- Model architecture & matrices can be plotted automatically
- Upgrade to dl1dh v0.10.5, ctapipe v0.12.0 & python 3.8
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
Known Issues
- Particle classification is not working with Multitask Learning models yet.
- There is some version incompatibility (numpy and numba) when trying to run on Wilkes-3.