This is a library for generating n-dimensional poisson-disk distributions.
It generates distribution of points in [0, 1]d where:
- For each point there is disk of certain radius which doesn't intersect with any other disk of other points
- Samples fill the space uniformly
Due it's blue noise properties poisson-disk distribution can be used for object placement in procedural texture/world generation, as source distribution for digital stipling, as distribution for sampling in rendering or for (re)meshing.
Works with nalgebra 0.16 and rand 0.5
extern crate poisson;
extern crate rand;
extern crate nalgebra as na;
use rand::FromEntropy;
use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
use poisson::{Builder, Type, algorithm};
fn main() {
let poisson =
Builder::<_, na::Vector2<f64>>::with_radius(0.1, Type::Normal)
.build(SmallRng::from_entropy(), algorithm::Ebeida);
println!("{:?}", poisson.generate());