SMILE Knowledge Source: Dep Tree Fix
- GraphDB can be installed for your distribution.
- Make sure it's running port
, e.g. http://localhost:7200. - Make sure you have GraphDB running on http://localhost:7200.
- For testing, make sure the username and password are set to
- Create a new test repository. Go to http://localhost:7200
- Create new repository:
- Name the repository (Repository ID) as
- Set context index to True *(checked).
- Set query timeout to 45 second.
- Set the
Throw exception on query timeout
checkmark to True (checked) - Click on create repository.
- Name the repository (Repository ID) as
- Make sure the repository rin in "Running" state.
- Create new repository:
- See instruction below for troubleshooting
A few notes on configurting SMILE to connect to the database.
- The main SMILE Flask application can be configured in the config/local_config.yml file.
- Knowledge source that are running in a Docker instance must use the "Docker" version of the config file: config/local_config_test.yml.
conda env create -f PyDepTrees.yml
You will need two terminals. In teh first termina,, run teh server, as shown below. Run teh knwodlge source in another terminal.
Term 1, run:
cd src/smile_ks_dependency_tree_eval/libs/
This will start a NLP server at http://localhost:9000. It will run in the background.
conda activate PyDepTrees
cd src
python -m smile_ks_dependency_tree_eval.main
conda activate PyDepTrees
cd src
python -m smile_ks_dependency_tree_eval.listener
conda activate PyDepTrees
cd src
python -m smile_ks_dependency_tree_eval.console
conda activate PyDepTrees
python -m tests.fix_tests