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Module 1 Group Assignment

CSCI 5117, Spring 2024, assignment description

App Info:


  • Conner DeJong, dejon113
  • Owen Ratgen, ratge006
  • Thomas Knickerbocker, knick073
  • Allen Liao, liao0144
  • Kris Moe, moe00013

Key Features

Describe the most challenging features you implemented (one sentence per bullet, maximum 4 bullets):

  • The spotify callback to be able to extract a user's information from their library then import these playlists onto the website
  • Another hard part was saving the user's information, playlist information, the songs in the playlist and its' information, and other information that's valuable to the website in the database along with retrieving it correctly

Testing Notes

Is there anything special we need to know in order to effectively test your app? (optional):

  • If you're not signed in you won't be able to leave a comment or rating, import your playlist, or see all the available menu options
  • You can leave comments and ratings if you click on the playlist while signed in
  • Comments and ratings left on a playlist will be viewable when a user refreshes the page
  • Possible error when signing in. Simply reload the home page and your account will be logged in again (has not occurred recently).
  • Need Spotify API Access so we used a dummy account for access, use the following account credentials: email: [email protected], password: FlaskFusionForce24!

Screenshots of Site

Add a screenshot of each key page (around 4) along with a very brief caption:

Playlist Page Playlist Page

Edit playlist page Edit_playlist_Page

Library page Library page

Home page Home page


We are using Canva to create our mock ups link is here:

Homepage Login Search_Results Library Playlist Settings Edit_Comments_Page Individual_Playlist_Page Write_a_Comment_Page Create_Edit_Playlist_Page

External Dependencies

Document integrations with 3rd Party code or services here. Please do not document required libraries. or libraries that are mentioned in the product requirements

  • For our 3rd Party Service, we used the Spotify API so we could directly interact with the user's Spotify account. This will let the user import all of their playlists onto our website and have people rate the playlist and leave comments on what they think about it.

If there's anything else you would like to disclose about how your project relied on external code, expertise, or anything else, please disclose that here:


project-1-the-flask-fusion-force created by GitHub Classroom






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