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Testing Truffle projects with Echidna

Gustavo Grieco edited this page Jan 3, 2020 · 1 revision

In this short tutorial, we are going to show how to use Echidna to test the contract from the pet shop Truffle project. To start, let's install the pet-shop project from corresponding truffle university repository:

$ git clone
$ cd truffle-shop
$ npm i

This small project only includes the Adoption contract, which allow any user to adopt a pet, given a valid petId:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract Adoption {
  address[16] public adopters;

  // Adopting a pet
  function adopt(uint petId) public returns (uint) {
    require(petId >= 0 && petId <= 15);

    adopters[petId] = msg.sender;

    return petId;

  // Retrieving the adopters
  function getAdopters() public view returns (address[16] memory) {
    return adopters;

We are going to test two properties:

  • If a user adopts using a valid petID, then the getAdopters will return an array where the corresponding petId corresponds to the user.

  • If a user tries to adopt a pet with an invalid petId, then the adopt function should revert.

We will create the following contract in the contracts/TestEchidna.sol file:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "./Adoption.sol";

contract TestEchidna is Adoption {
  uint i;
  function set_input(uint _i) public {
    i = _i;

  function echidna_valid_adoption() public returns (bool) {
    uint petId = i % 16;
    return (getAdopters()[petId] == msg.sender);

  function echidna_revert_invalid_adoption() public returns (bool) {
    if (i < 16)


Finally we can run Echidna to test these properties, pointing it to the current directory (.):

$ echidna-test . TestEchidna
Analyzing contract: contracts/TestEchidna.sol:TestEchidna
echidna_valid_adoption: passed! 🎉
echidna_revert_invalid_adoption: passed! 🎉

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