Handles sending CloudTrail events that you are interested in to Slack. This reads from CloudWatch Logs (vs SNS+S3).
Similar to https://github.com/auth0/cloudtrail-slack
- Modify config.js with the settings you would like (see below)
- Deploy to AWS Lambda
- Node 4.3
- Associate the CloudWatch Logs group containing CloudTrail events
node runLocal.js
- Go to Slack and add a bot integration
- cloudtrail-icon.png for the bot image in Slack
- Get the token and put it into the config/config.js
- Specify the name of the channel to post messages to in config/config.js
- Specify the name of the emoji icon to use for the messages
# Prepare code zip file
rm cloudtrail2slack.zip; zip -rq cloudtrail2slack.zip .
# Set the profile we want, this should also have the region
export AWS_PROFILE=xxxxx
# Create some variables we need
export ACCOUNT_ID=`aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-names 'Default' --query 'SecurityGroups[0].OwnerId' --output text`
export REGION=`aws configure get region`
export LAMBDA_ARN=arn:aws:lambda:$REGION:$ACCOUNT_ID:function:Cloudtrail2Slack
# create it
aws lambda create-function --function-name Cloudtrail2Slack --runtime nodejs4.3 --role arn:aws:iam::$ACCOUNT_ID:role/lambda_basic_execution --handler cloudtrail2slack.handler --zip-file fileb://cloudtrail2slack.zip --timeout 45 --memory-size 128
# update the created function to enable CloudWatch Logs triggers
# example filter
aws logs put-subscription-filter --log-group-name CloudTrail/DefaultLogGroup --filter-name Filter --filter-pattern "{ ($.eventName != \"Describe*\") && ($.eventName != \"List*\") && ($.eventName != \"Get*\") && ($.eventName != \"Discover*\") && ($.eventName != \"BatchCheckLayerAvailability\") && ($.eventName != \"AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity\") && ($.eventName != \"ConsoleLogin\") && ($.eventName != \"ConsoleLogin\") }" --destination-arn $LAMBDA_ARN
aws logs describe-subscription-filters --log-group-name CloudTrail/DefaultLogGroup
# note that this filter can significantly cut the number of lambda invocations compared with using ignoreConfig.js values
# ignoreConfig.js can be used for non-bulk operations or for more complex items
# update it
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name Cloudtrail2Slack --zip-file fileb://cloudtrail2slack.zip