Fetches amount and value of privately held Zcash address via ZCHAIN explorer.zcha.in API and also the Zcash price in EUR via cryptocompare.com API and returns it as a security.
You can get a signed version of this extension from the MoneyMoney Extensions page
Once downloaded, move Zcash.lua
to your MoneyMoney Extensions folder.
Note: This extension requires MoneyMoney Version 2.3.4 or newer.
Add a new account (type "Zcash").
Use your Zcash adresses coma seperated as user name
t1eVjVFhBGHbL7xns2G4ddrm5nv1mcci9X1, t1eVjVFhBaabL7xns2G4dbrm5nv1mcci9X1
Use anyting as password