Releases: cqlf-ontology/cqlf
DIS2020: Initial CQLF-2 repository for DIS ballot
Test release no. 1
This is a test release to see if we can freeze the project state sustainably, so that a particular git tag (adorned with a release description) can be used as a stable reference in the text of an ISO standard
Note that a release can be accompanied by binaries, so that is another way to freeze project state for the purpose of referencing it in a printed standard.
The tag content has been chosen nearly arbitrarily: the ontology has been through a major overhaul from its initial proof-of-concept proposal that accompanied CQLF-1 "Corpus Query Lingua Franca: Metamodel". The release tag is going to be bumped for the ISO TC37 SC4 DIS ballot in September 2020, and will most probably be "v1.0.0" for the first printed version of the international standard.