A backend service for managing checklists.
The Checklister application is split up into several subprojects,
contained in the subprojects
./gradlew composeUp
Checklister will be available on localhost:8180.
Running the integration tests via the Gradle task:
./gradlew :integrationTest:test
./gradlew clean build :web:bootJar
docker build -t blacktower:5000/cosapps/checklister:<version> .
docker push blacktower:5000/cosapps/checklister:<version>
./gradlew composeUp
curl http://localhost:8180/v3/api-docs | jq '.' > openapi.json
./gradlew :client:openApiGenerate
cd subprojects/client/build/openapi
cp ../../build.gradle.custom build.gradle
chmod a+x gradlew
./gradlew publish