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SSW Website

The source code for the Cornell University Scientific Software Club.


Is there a typo or something that could be clearer? Please feel free to submit a Pull Request with a fix!

If you are submitting a fix for wording / grammar etc, refer to the Hierarchy section below for where the files you may need to edit are. In general, it will probably be one of the html or md documents in the top-level of the directory, or a page in the meetings/ folder.

Note: Jekyll can be a little overwhelming, if you notice a flaw with the website but cannot / do not want to figure out where it actually is in the code, just submit an Issue indicating what needs to change :)

The remainder of this document is mostly to catalog how to manage the website as the officers change / the club ages. If you want to increase those little green squares, the below should be enough to show what to edit where in your Pull Request.

Compiling / Testing the Site

This website is built after each commit, but you can view your changes locally with ease.

  1. Acquire the website source code:

    git clone --recursive

    We are using Reveal.js for some of the online slides, the --recursive will download the source for Reveal, and will not build correctly without it.

    If you already cloned the repository, you can perform the following from within the folder to download the Reveal source code:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Install the prerequisites for building with jekyll. These directions are inlined from here for convenience.

    • Open a terminal and verify you have Ruby 2.0 or higher:

      ruby --version
    • Use the ruby package manager to install bundler:

      gem install bundler
    • For convenience, we have included the relevant Gemfile in the top-level of this directory. This contains the github-pages gem url.

      # Navigate to the top level directory of this repository
      cd /path/to/
      # Install the tools needed for building GitHub Pages sites
      # This installs what we have requested in the `Gemfile` in
      # the top-level directory of this repository
      bundle install
  3. Now that you have all of the necessary files, you can build the site locally. Execute the command below from the top-level folder:

    bundle exec jekyll serve

    You can view the website by pasting the url http://localhost:4000 into your favorite internet browser. Any updates you make to the site will be re-generated on the fly, but if you update the page you are currently viewing in the browser you will need to refresh (usually just ctrl+R or cmd+R).

  4. When you are finished running the site locally, use ctrl+c to end the jekyll serve command. The site http://localhost:4000 should say Page Not Found or something similar if you have actually terminated the server.


We use the excellent Jekyll scripting language to coordinate various components of the website. You should generally not need to touch any of these files to submit bugfixes, but for clarity the relevant scripting files are primarily in folders starting with an _.
├─── _data/
│     │
│     ├─── meetings.yml # Where the links are read from for the 'Meetings' page.
│     └─── navpages.yml # The names and links for the Navbar at the top of the page.
├─── _includes/
│     │
│     └─── Modular html pages for the meta / navbar etc.
├─── _layouts/
│     │
│     └─── Page appearance prototypes.  Usually, just use `post` for meeting notes
│          and `slide` for Reveal.js slides.
├─── css/
│     │
│     └─── Various styling elements for the appearance of the pages.
├─── meetings/
│     │
│     └─── Where the meeting notes for each week are stored. Linked to from `meetings.yml`.
└─── slides/
      └─── Where the Reveal.js slides are stored.  PDF files are hosted elsewhere to avoid
           tracking them with git.

Writing new Pages

If you are tasked with generating new pages, there are three forms. Please note that when adding new pages, the file extension determines how jekyll will process it.

  1. Raw html code, e.g. index.html. While writing raw html code can be cumbersome, it gives you the ability to use jekyll to script the output (see the bottom of index.html).

  2. Markdown, e.g. Our site is parsed with Kramdown, so there may be subtle differences in the Markdown you know and the one that is displayed here. Just build the site locally and you will see any differences, but for general purposes you will not have issues.

    Note that you are, as with any other Markdown, able to embed raw html code directly if you need a format / structure that Markdown does not support.

  3. Markdown based slides! You can write slides for a potential presentation using Reveal.js quite easily in a markdown document. LaTeX equations can be rendered, and much more.

    Refer to a sample in the slides/ directory for how to format things.

Meeting Notes

Meeting notes are a little special. You will need to create the appropriately named (e.g. the date) markdown document in meetings/, as well as write the appropriate links / bullets in _data/meetings.yml. Just refer to a previously created markdown document / the other information in _data/meetings.yml to see how to link everything up. The site will parse the yml document and add to the table on the Meetings page.

Heading Information at the Top

Of note is the required heading section for each meeting notes page at the top of the document. The section enclosed in the opening and closing --- is parsed by jekyll as metadata. For example:

title: A Pythonic Whirlwind
layout: post
  - speaker:
    name: David Bindel
    affil: Cornell University

If there are no guest speakers, simply omit that part. If there are more than one speaker, add another bullet. In the following we will add a new speaker to the above

title: A Pythonic Whirlwind
subtitle: For Vikings of All Shapes and Sizes
layout: post
  - speaker:
    name: David Bindel
    affil: Cornell University
  - speaker:
    name: Leiv Eiriksson
    affil: Vinland University

You must be careful to

  1. Indent everything correctly, jekyll is particularly sensitive in this respect.
  2. Include a title.
    • Long titles can break the format, use subtitle if needbe.
  3. All speakers must have an affiliation.

If the speaker does not have a website, or does not want it linked, just omit the url portion.

Meeting Notes Format

After the heading, a brief bullet list as an overview. Following, the meeting notes or abstract of the talk given.

It is useful to point out that you can link to sections (headings in markdown start with #) with [link text for viewer](#the-section-title). So the viewer of the page will see that link text for viewer is a hyper-link, and it will navigate to the same page (in html, this is a different # than markdown) to the section The Section Title. Links are always lower case, and spaces are converted to dashes.

Getting Meetings to Link from the Meetings Page

Now that you have created a new meeting page in meetings/, edit the document _data/meetings.yml to link it. We are listing the meetings with the most recent at the top, the oldest at the bottom. YAML (yml) documents are equally sensitive to syntax / spacing, but if you simply copy-paste you shouldn't run into trouble. As an example

# Week 1
  date: 2016-09-12
  info: <a href="/meetings/2016-09-12">Welcome to SSW</a>
    - Discussion of the goals of the club.
    - Introduction to Unix and Windows shell.

# is a comment, the first line has a -, and the remaining information is indented by two spaces. The brief is the only section that is capable of bullet lists. This document is written with html, so if you want something to show up with say bold text or code you will need <b>bold text</b> or <code>some code</code>.

Embedding Slides on the Meeting Pages

Our speakers put in a lot of hard work to give us excellent presentations. You should expect them to make a presentation of their own accord using whatever software they see fit. We will accommodate all slide formats and embed whatever style they give us for them. This keeps our website responsive, and places zero extra burden of work on the presenter(s). At the time of writing this, most presenters are happy to simply send us an exported PDF, in which case refer to the last section.

Reveal.js Slides

When speakers give presentations using the Reveal.js slides, store the slides in the slides/ directory. To embed these on a given meeting page:

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="/slides/2016-09-12-spiel.html">
    <p>Your browser does not appear to support iframe elements.</p>

replacing the src with the appropriate url, noting that our convention of storing reveal files is to create a .html file in the slides folder. See the files there for examples of how you would write a Reveal.js slideshow.

Google Slides

If the presenter has prepared a GoogleSlides presentation, ask them to "Publish" their presentation following the directions posted here. The size does not matter, we're letting bootstrap handle sizing for us. Just ask them to copy-paste the iframe text in the embed tab. Direct them to this section by copy-pasting this link, the text we need will look something like

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="1440" height="839" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Simply snag the src="..." and take the ... and paste it into the following (same thing as Reveal.js):

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="...from google...">
    <p>Your browser does not appear to support iframe elements.</p>

Please take note of the aspect ratio of their presentation, if they are using a wide-screen template then keep the embed-responsive-16by9. If they have a normal 'projector style' presentation, please use embed-responsive-4by3.

Other Slides

If they have produced their own presentation (KeyNote, PowerPoint, etc), request they send a PDF and upload the slides to the SSW SpeakerDeck Account. Once a given presentation is uploaded, include the abstract on the SpeakerDeck page as well as a link back to the meeting notes for which they presented. Lastly, to embed these beauties just copy-paste the embed text from the SpeakerDeck page.


Home page of the Scientific Software Club at Cornell






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