Clone the repo:
% mkdir -p $HOME/ece5745
% cd $HOME/ece5745
% git clone [email protected]:cornell-ece5745/example-gate-level-design
% cd example-gate-level-design
Take a look at the standard cell and GL models.
% cd $TOPDIR/tut3_verilog/regincr
% less stdcell.v
% less RegIncrGL.v
Notice we need to use ifndef SYNTHESIS around the standard cell definitions. Now run the PyMTL3/Verilator simulation.
% mkdir -p $TOPDIR/sim/build
% cd $TOPDIR/sim/build
% pytest ../tut3_verilog --test-verilog --dump-vtb
Now try four-state RTL simulation
% cd $TOPDIR/asic/synopsys-vcs-rtl-sim
% source
Now synthesis with Synopsys DC. Notice that we need to use dont_touch
to avoid the synthesis tool from trying to redo the GL model.
% cd $TOPDIR/asic/synopsys-dc-synth
% dc_shell-xg-t -f run.tcl
Now place-and-route with Cadence Innovus.
% cd $TOPDIR/asic/cadence-innovus-apr
% innovus -64 -no_gui -files run.tcl