The app that helps the hunt for lost pets!
Product Owner: Tourne Torres Scrum Master: Daniel Weill Development Team Members: Tourne Torres, Taijon Robinson, Daniel Weill
Node 6.10.2
MySQL 2.13.0
Deployed with DigitalOcean
Place these keys in a file called map.config.js inside of your client folder window.GEOCODE_API_KEY = 'YOUR GEOCODE API KEY';
Create a .env file in your root directory to store port and database variables. Localhost will suffice for db in most cases
You will need a database called petdetective, created in a mysql session. Once used, create a table called petpost with the following command:
create table petpost (id integer not null auto_increment, lostOrFound varchar(20), type varchar(20) , styles varchar(200), address varchar(140), message varchar(140), date varchar(140), latlong varchar(140), user varchar(75), petPic varchar(220), primary key (id), userpic varchar(220));
And create a users table with the following:
create table users ( email varchar(75) NOT NULL UNIQUE, picture varchar(220), first_name varchar(25), last_name varchar(25));
Run this command:
npm install
It's that simple!
To start the app run: npm start
See for contribution guidelines.