updated management token expiry value #227
GitHub Actions / Mocha Unit test
Dec 11, 2024 in 0s
560 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ report.json
560 tests were completed in 39s with 560 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
test/unit/index.js | 560✅ | 39s |
✅ test/unit/index.js
Concurrency queue test
✅ Concurrency retry delay with base request test
✅ Concurrency retry on custome backoff test
✅ Concurrency update authorization to not pass authtoken
✅ Concurrency with 10 asset upload with rate limit error
✅ Concurrency with 10 failing requests with retry tests
✅ Concurrency with 10 rate limit requests Queue tests
✅ Concurrency with 10 timeout requests
✅ Concurrency with 10 timeout requests retry
✅ Concurrency with 100 failing requests retry on error false tests
✅ Concurrency with 100 failing requests retry on error with no retry condition tests
✅ Concurrency with 100 passing requests Queue tests
✅ Concurrency with 20 request and 1 rate limit request tests
✅ Concurrency with 20 request and 1 rate limit request tests
✅ Detach interceptors test
✅ Initialization with custom config negative value test
✅ Initialization with custom config retry delay value test
✅ Initialization with custom config retry limit negative value test
✅ Initialization with custom config test
✅ Initialization with default config test
✅ Initialize with bad axios instance
✅ Refresh Token on 401 with 1000 concurrent request
✅ Request to fail with no response
✅ should give passed error message when refreshToken function fails
Contentstack Variants test
✅ Variants Collection test with blank data
✅ Variants Collection test with data
✅ Variants create test
✅ Variants fetch test
✅ Variants Query test
✅ Variants test with Stack Headers
✅ Variants test with uid
✅ Variants test without uid
✅ Variants update test
Contentstack apps authorization test
✅ Authorization with app uid
✅ Authorization with app uid org uid as Param
✅ Authorization with app uid, org uid as content
✅ Authorization without app uid
✅ Authorization without content
✅ test find all authorization for apps
✅ test find all authorization for apps fail request
✅ test revoke all authorization for apps
✅ test revoke all authorization for apps fail request
✅ test revoke authorization for apps
✅ test revoke authorization for apps fail request
Contentstack apps installation test
✅ Fetch Installation test
✅ Get app installation test
✅ Get installation configuration test
✅ Get installation installationData test
✅ Get installation installationData test
✅ Get installation server config test
✅ Install app test
✅ Installation with app uid
✅ Installation with installation uid
✅ Installation without installation uid
✅ Organization uid params for installation
✅ Params for installation
✅ Params in data for installation
✅ Set installation configuration test
✅ Uninstall Installation test
✅ Update Installation test
Contentstack apps request test
✅ test create request for app uid
✅ test create request for app uid fail request
✅ test delete request for organization
✅ test delete request for organization fail request
✅ test find all request for organization
✅ test find all request for organization fail request
✅ test request with app uid and org uid
✅ test request without app uid
✅ test request without contents
Contentstack apps test
✅ app install test
✅ App with app uid
✅ App with app uid and org uid
✅ App without app uid
✅ Create app test
✅ Delete app from UID test
✅ Get all apps in organization test
✅ Get all authorized apps in organization fail request
✅ Get all authorized apps in organization test
✅ Get app from UID test
✅ Get app installation test
✅ Get oAuth configuration failing test
✅ Get oAuth configuration test
✅ test authorize app
✅ test authorize app fail request
✅ test authorize app fail request
✅ test fetch request for app uid
✅ test fetch request for app uid fail request
✅ Update app test
✅ Update oAuth configuration failing test
✅ Update oAuth configuration test
Contentstack Asset Folder test
✅ Folder Collction with data test
✅ Folder Collction without data test
✅ Folder create test
✅ Folder delete test
✅ Folder fetch test
✅ Folder update test
✅ Folder with stack header and details
✅ Folder with stack headers
✅ Folder without details
Contentstack Asset test
✅ Asset Collection test with blank data
✅ Asset Collection test with data
✅ Asset create only upload file test
✅ Asset create only upload file with tags string test
✅ Asset create test
✅ Asset delete test
✅ Asset fetch test
✅ Asset folder initialization with stack headers test
✅ Asset folder initialization with uid test
✅ Asset folder initialization without uid test
✅ Asset publish test
✅ Asset Query test
✅ Asset replace test
✅ Asset test with Stack Headers
✅ Asset test with uid
✅ Asset test without uid
✅ Asset unpublish test
✅ Asset update test
Contentstack AuditLog test
✅ AuditLog Fetch all with params test
✅ AuditLog Fetch all without Stack Headers test
✅ AuditLog fetch failing test
✅ AuditLog fetch test
✅ AuditLog test with uid
✅ AuditLog test without uid
Contentstack Branch test
✅ Branch Collection test with blank data
✅ Branch Collection test with data
✅ Branch compare all test
✅ Branch compare content types test
✅ Branch compare global fields test
✅ Branch create test
✅ Branch delete test
✅ Branch Fetch all with params test
✅ Branch Fetch all without params test
✅ Branch Fetch all without Stack Headers test
✅ Branch fetch test
✅ Branch Merge All test
✅ Branch MergeQueue fetch test
✅ Branch MergeQueue find test
✅ Branch test with uid
✅ Branch test without uid
Contentstack BranchAlias test
✅ BranchAlias delete test
✅ BranchAlias Fetch all with params test
✅ BranchAlias Fetch all without params test
✅ BranchAlias Fetch all without Stack Headers test
✅ BranchAlias fetch test
✅ BranchAlias test with uid
✅ BranchAlias test without uid
✅ BranchAlias update test
Contentstack Client
✅ Contentstack Client get user info
✅ Contentstack Client login success
✅ Contentstack Client Logout
✅ Contentstack Client Logout with Authtoken
✅ Contentstack Client Object successful
✅ Contentstack Client Organization with UID test
✅ Contentstack Client Organization without UID test
✅ Contentstack Client Stack with API key and management token test
✅ Contentstack Client Stack with API key test
✅ Contentstack Client Stack with Org UID test
✅ Contentstack Client Stack without API key test
Contentstack collection test
✅ Collection with no Data
✅ Entry Collection with Schema and Content Type
✅ Stack Collection
✅ Stack Collection with headers
Contentstack ContentType test
✅ ContentType Collection test with blank data
✅ ContentType Collection test with data
✅ ContentType create test
✅ ContentType delete test
✅ ContentType entry initialization with uid test
✅ ContentType entry initialization with uid, stack headers test
✅ ContentType entry initialization without uid test
✅ ContentType fetch test
✅ ContentType generate UID from content type name test
✅ ContentType import test
✅ ContentType import test with overwrite flag
✅ ContentType Query test
✅ ContentType test with Stack Headers
✅ ContentType test with uid
✅ ContentType test without uid
✅ ContentType update test
✅ ContentType update test without fetch
Contentstack DeliveryToken test
✅ DeliveryToken Collection test with blank data
✅ DeliveryToken Collection test with data
✅ DeliveryToken create test
✅ DeliveryToken delete test
✅ DeliveryToken fetch test
✅ DeliveryToken Query test
✅ DeliveryToken test with Stack Headers
✅ DeliveryToken test with uid
✅ DeliveryToken test without uid
✅ DeliveryToken update test
Contentstack Entry test
✅ Entry Collection test with blank data
✅ Entry Collection test with data
✅ Entry create test
✅ Entry delete test
✅ Entry fetch test
✅ Entry import test locale en-us
✅ Entry import test Overwrite False
✅ Entry import test Overwrite true
✅ Entry publish request test
✅ Entry publish request test
✅ Entry publish test
✅ Entry Query test
✅ Entry set Workflow stage test
✅ Entry set Workflow stage test
✅ Entry test with Stack Headers
✅ Entry test with uid
✅ Entry test without uid
✅ Entry unpublish test
✅ Entry update test
✅ Entry with asset object
✅ Entry with include variants request test
✅ should get languages of the given Entry uid
Contentstack Environment test
✅ Environment Collection test with blank data
✅ Environment Collection test with data
✅ Environment create test
✅ Environment delete test
✅ Environment fetch test
✅ Environment Query test
✅ Environment test with Stack Headers
✅ Environment test with uid
✅ Environment test without uid
✅ Environment update test
Contentstack error test
✅ Throw error
✅ Throw error with additional details
✅ Throw error with Config details
✅ Throw error with Config details
✅ Throw error with details
Contentstack Extension test
✅ Extension Collection test with blank data
✅ Extension Collection test with data
✅ Extension create test
✅ Extension delete test
✅ Extension fetch test
✅ Extension Query test
✅ Extension test with stack headers
✅ Extension test with uid
✅ Extension test without uid
✅ Extension update test
✅ Extension upload test all details
✅ Extension upload test only upload file
✅ Extension upload test string tags
Contentstack GlobalField test
✅ Global Field import test
✅ Global Field import test with overwrite flag
✅ GlobalField Collection test with blank data
✅ GlobalField Collection test with data
✅ GlobalField create test
✅ GlobalField delete test
✅ GlobalField fetch test
✅ GlobalField Query test
✅ GlobalField test with Stack Headers
✅ GlobalField test with uid
✅ GlobalField test without uid
✅ GlobalField update test
Contentstack hosting test
✅ Failing test get deployment from uid
✅ Failing test get deployment logs from uid
✅ Hosting with app uid
✅ Hosting with app uid and org uid
✅ Hosting without app uid
✅ Hosting without contents
✅ test create deployment from signed url
✅ test create deployment from signed url with advance options
✅ test create signed url for hosting
✅ test deployment with app uid
✅ test deployment with app uid and org uid
✅ test deployment with deployment uid
✅ test deployment without app uid
✅ test deployment without contents
✅ test get all deployment for hosting
✅ test get deployment from uid
✅ test get deployment logs from uid
✅ test get deployment logs from uid
✅ test get deployment logs from uid
✅ test hosting is enable request
✅ test latest deployment for hosting
✅ test set hosting disble
✅ test set hosting enable
Contentstack HTTP Client
✅ Contentstack default retryCondition test
✅ Contentstack Http Client Authtoken
✅ Contentstack Http Client blank Access Token
✅ Contentstack Http Client blank API key
✅ Contentstack Http Client Default Host
✅ Contentstack Http Client Default Host Custom
✅ Contentstack Http Client Host
✅ Contentstack Http Client Host with basePath
✅ Contentstack Http Client Host without port
✅ Contentstack Http Client Object successful
✅ Contentstack Http Client Object successful
✅ Contentstack Http Client Param Serializer
✅ Contentstack Http Client User-Agent Header
✅ Contentstack Http Client User-Agent Header Custom
✅ Contentstack Http Client X-User-Agent Header
✅ Contentstack retryCondition test
✅ Contentstack retryDelayOption base test
✅ Contentstack retryDelayOption customBackoff test
✅ should add x-header-ea in headers when early_access is passed
✅ should have valid format of early_access headers when early_access is passed
Contentstack Label test
✅ Label Collection test with blank data
✅ Label Collection test with data
✅ Label create test
✅ Label delete test
✅ Label fetch test
✅ Label Query test
✅ Label test with Stack Headers
✅ Label test with uid
✅ Label test without uid
✅ Label update test
Contentstack Locale test
✅ Locale Collection test with blank data
✅ Locale Collection test with data
✅ Locale create test
✅ Locale delete test
✅ Locale fetch test
✅ Locale Query test
✅ Locale test with Stack Headers
✅ Locale test with uid
✅ Locale test without uid
✅ Locale update test
Contentstack ManagementToken test
✅ ManagementToken Collection test with blank data
✅ ManagementToken Collection test with data
✅ ManagementToken create test
✅ ManagementToken delete test
✅ ManagementToken fetch test
✅ ManagementToken Query test
✅ ManagementToken test with Stack Headers
✅ ManagementToken test with uid
✅ ManagementToken test without uid
✅ ManagementToken update test
Contentstack PublishRule test
✅ PublishRule Collection test with blank data
✅ PublishRule Collection test with data
✅ PublishRule create test
✅ PublishRule delete test
✅ PublishRule Fetch all with params test
✅ PublishRule Fetch all without paramstest
✅ PublishRule Fetch all without Stack Headers test
✅ PublishRule fetch test
✅ PublishRule test with uid
✅ PublishRule test with uid and stack headers
✅ PublishRule test without uid
✅ PublishRule update test
Contentstack Query test
✅ Query count test
✅ Query find test
✅ Query findOne test
✅ Query initialization param and Stack Headers test
✅ Query initialization test
✅ Query initialization test
Contentstack Release test
✅ Release clone test
✅ Release Collection test with blank data
✅ Release Collection test with data
✅ Release create test
✅ Release delete test
✅ Release deploy test
✅ Release fetch test
✅ Release item initialize test
✅ Release Query test
✅ Release test with uid
✅ Release test with uid
✅ Release test without uid
✅ Release update test
Contentstack Role test
✅ Role Collection test with blank data
✅ Role Collection test with data
✅ Role create test
✅ Role create test with taxonomy permission
✅ Role delete test
✅ Role Fetch all with params test
✅ Role Fetch all without paramstest
✅ Role Fetch all without Stack Headers test
✅ Role fetch test
✅ Role Query test
✅ Role test with Stack Headers
✅ Role test with uid
✅ Role test without uid
✅ Role update test
Contentstack Stack test
✅ Asset initialization with uid
✅ Asset initialization without uid
✅ Branch initialization with branch
✅ Branch initialization without branch
✅ BranchAlias initialization with branch
✅ BranchAlias initialization without branch
✅ Bulk operations initialization without uid
✅ Content Type initialization with content type uid
✅ Content Type initialization without content type uid
✅ Delivery Token initialization with uid
✅ Delivery Token initialization without uid
✅ Environment initialization with uid
✅ Environment initialization without uid
✅ Extensions initialization with uid
✅ Extensions initialization without uid
✅ Global Field initialization with uid
✅ Global Field initialization without uid
✅ Labels initialization with uid
✅ Labels initialization without uid
✅ Local initialization with code
✅ Local initialization without code
✅ Organization Stack Query test
✅ Release initialization with uid
✅ Release initialization without uid
✅ Role initialization with uid
✅ Role initialization without uid
✅ Stack add settings test
✅ Stack Collection test with data blank
✅ Stack Collection test with data blank
✅ Stack create test
✅ Stack fetch test
✅ Stack Query test
✅ Stack reset settings test
✅ Stack settings test
✅ Stack share none test
✅ Stack share test
✅ Stack transfer ownership test
✅ Stack unshare test
✅ Stack update test
✅ Stack users test
✅ Stack with API key
✅ Stack with API key and Management token
✅ Stack with API key and Management token
✅ Stack with API key and Management token
✅ Stack with Organization UID
✅ Stack without API key
✅ Stack without API key, with Branch
✅ Stack without API key, with Management Token
✅ Stack without data
✅ Webhooks initialization with uid
✅ Webhooks initialization without uid
✅ Workflow initialization with uid
✅ Workflow initialization without uid
Contentstack Taxonomy test
✅ Taxonomies query test
✅ taxonomy create test
✅ taxonomy delete test
✅ Taxonomy export test
✅ Taxonomy fetch test
✅ Taxonomy import test
✅ Taxonomy test with uid
✅ Taxonomy test without uid
✅ Taxonomy update test
✅ term create test
Contentstack Team Stack Role Mapping test
✅ should add roles when correct data is passed
✅ should delete stack role mapping when stack api key is passed
✅ should fetch all the roles
✅ should update stack role mapping when stack api key and updateData are passed
Contentstack Team test
✅ should create new team when required object is passedt
✅ should delete team when correct organization uid and team uid is passed
✅ should fetch all the roles
✅ should fetch all users
✅ should fetch the team when correct organization uid and team uid is passed
✅ should get all the teams when correct organization uid is passed
✅ should update team when updating data is passed
Contentstack Team Users test
✅ should add the user when user's mail is passed
✅ should fetch all users
✅ should remove the user when uid is passed
Contentstack Term test
✅ term ancestors test
✅ term create test
✅ term delete test
✅ term descendants test
✅ Term fetch test
✅ term move test
✅ term search test
✅ Term test with term uid
✅ Term test without term uid
✅ Term update test
✅ Terms query test
Contentstack User test
✅ User Collaborators Test
✅ User Collection Test
✅ User Delete Mock test
✅ User Forgot Password Mock test
✅ User get task test
✅ User get task with params test
✅ User Reset Password Mock test
✅ User Shares Test
✅ User test Org Parsing
✅ User test user parsing
✅ User test with authtoken
✅ User test without authtoken
✅ User Update Mock test
✅ User with ContentstackCollection Test
Contentstack VariantGroup test
✅ VariantGroup Collection test with blank data
✅ VariantGroup Collection test with data
✅ VariantGroup create test
✅ VariantGroup delete test
✅ VariantGroup Query test
✅ VariantGroup test with Stack Headers
✅ VariantGroup test with uid
✅ VariantGroup test without uid
✅ VariantGroup update test
Contentstack Variants entry test
✅ Variants entry Collection test with blank data
✅ Variants entry Collection test with data
✅ Variants entry fetch test
✅ Variants entry Query test
✅ Variants entry test with uid
✅ Variants entry test without uid
✅ Variants entry version test
Contentstack Variants test
✅ Variants Collection test with blank data
✅ Variants Collection test with data
✅ Variants create test
✅ Variants delete test
✅ Variants fetch test
✅ Variants fetchByUIDs test
✅ Variants Query test
✅ Variants test with Stack Headers
✅ Variants test with uid
✅ Variants test without uid
Contentstack Webhook test
✅ Webhook Collection test with blank data
✅ Webhook Collection test with data
✅ Webhook create test
✅ Webhook delete test
✅ Webhook executions params test
✅ Webhook executions test
✅ Webhook executions without Stack details test
✅ Webhook Fetch all with params test
✅ Webhook Fetch all without paramstest
✅ Webhook Fetch all without Stack Headers test
✅ Webhook fetch test
✅ Webhook import test
✅ Webhook retry test
✅ Webhook retry without Stack details test
✅ Webhook test with uid
✅ Webhook test with uid and stack headers
✅ Webhook test without uid
✅ Webhook update test
Contentstack Workflow test
✅ Workflow Collection test with blank data
✅ Workflow Collection test with blank data in publish rule
✅ Workflow Collection test with data
✅ Workflow Collection test with data without array
✅ Workflow Collection test with uid and stack headers in publish rule
✅ Workflow content type get publish rules
✅ Workflow content type get publish rules
✅ Workflow create test
✅ Workflow delete test
✅ Workflow disable test
✅ Workflow enable test
✅ Workflow Fetch all with params test
✅ Workflow Fetch all without paramstest
✅ Workflow Fetch all without Stack Headers test
✅ Workflow Fetch all without Stack Headers test with response in object format instead of array of workflows
✅ Workflow fetch test
✅ Workflow test with uid
✅ Workflow test with uid and stack headers
✅ Workflow test without uid
✅ Workflow update test
Get User Agent
✅ Browser user agent
✅ Contentstack host test
✅ Fail User agent
✅ Node user agent
✅ ReactNative ios user agent
✅ ReactNative user agent
Organization Test
✅ Organization add User
✅ Organization Collection
✅ Organization Collection from ContentstackCollection
✅ Organization Collection with data
✅ Organization fetch
✅ Organization fetch all mock
✅ Organization Get all invitation
✅ Organization Resend Invitation
✅ Organization Roles
✅ Organization Stacks fetch
✅ Organization Stacks fetch Fail test
✅ Organization Transfer Ownership
✅ Organization with admin role
✅ Organization with admin role
✅ Organization with non admin role
✅ Organization with owner
✅ Organization with owner
✅ Organization with UID
✅ Organization without UID
✅ should get teams