An iOS client written in Objective-C
for tus resumable upload protocol.
Pull requests are always welcome! However, please submit a PR to the development
branch in order to keep the master
branch match up with the TUSKit
pod at all times.
TUSKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "TUSKit"
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
You'll need a friendly server before using TUSKit or any other tus client. You can find a list of tus implementations here.
A NSURLSession that manages, creates, and reloads TUS uploads using a single NSURLSession and data store.
@property (strong, nonatomic) TUSSession *tusSession;
self.tusSession = [[TUSSession alloc] initWithEndpoint:[[NSURL alloc] initWithString:UPLOAD_ENDPOINT] dataStore:uploadStore allowsCellularAccess:YES];
Endpoint - An NSURL of your server.
dataStore - The TUSUploadStore
you've created for your uploads.
allowsCellularAccess - Allow uploads over cell data.
The data storage for uploads.
TUSUploadStore * uploadStore = [[TUSFileUploadStore alloc] initWithURL:[applicationSupportURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:FILE_NAME]];
URL - URL To Local File.
Easily add uploads to your data storage using the your TUSSession.
TUSResumableUpload *upload = [self.tusSession createUploadFromFile:fileUrl headers:@{} metadata:@{}];
fileUrl - URL To Local File.
Headers - An NSDictionary
of your custom headers for the upload.
Metadata - Any extra metadata you wanna attach to your upload
Resume - Starts and resumes upload.
[upload resume];
Stop - Stops upload.
[upload stop];
State - Get the current state of an upload.
[upload state];
A block fired throughout the progress of your upload.
static TUSUploadProgressBlock progressBlock = ^(int64_t bytesWritten, int64_t bytesTotal) {
// Update your progress bar here
NSLog(@"progress: %llu / %llu", (unsigned long long)bytesWritten, (unsigned long long)bytesTotal);
Set it to your TUSResumableUpload
upload.progressBlock = progressBlock;
A block fired when your upload fails.
static TUSUploadFailureBlock failureBlock = ^(NSError* error){
// Handle the error
NSLog(@"error: %@", error);
Set it to your TUSResumableUpload
upload.failureBlock = failureBlock;
A block fired when your upload fails.
static TUSUploadResultBlock resultBlock = ^(NSURL* fileURL){
// Use the upload url
NSLog(@"url: %@", fileURL);
Set it to your TUSResumableUpload
upload.resultBlock = resultBlock;
Please refrence the Example Project for more usage examples
Users want to share more and more photos and videos. But mobile networks are fragile. Platform APIs are a mess. Every project builds its own file uploader. A thousand one week projects that barely work, when all we need is one real project, done right.
We are going to do this right. We will solve reliable file uploads for once and for all. A new open protocol for resumable uploads built on HTTP. Simple, cheap, reusable stacks for clients and servers. Any language, any platform, any network.
TUSKit is a ready to use tus client for iOS.
TUSKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.