Improve Firmadyne ( and make it simpler to extract, emulate firmware for analysis.
- Get firmware samples to analyze.
mkdir samples samples-output
Add firmware tosamples
folder - Edit the
to include the desired "Manufacturer name" (can be anything) and path to samples.
section has "foo", "1.bin" ; this is the "Manufacturers Name" and file name.
section has path to firmware samples and mapping to local images. - Copy the relevant sections multiple times (given x samples).
a. copy section fromemulator-1
until next entry.
b. manually increment the desired ip address. make build and make start
docker exec CONTAINERID bash
tmux ls
tmux a -t "ImageID X"
Where X is the database id generated by firmadyne.
a. This tmux session is the console session to the firmware sample.
main branch is ubuntu 18.04 / dev branch is ubuntu 20.04 base images.
If you did not get a tmux session; a failure occurred during the seven firmadyne steps. We keep a
folder to collect and debug emulation efforts.
bin-makeImage-output -
The standalone autodyne container launched does the db init on the postgres container. The autodyne-em1, autodyne-em2, etc, are the containers that are attempting to emulate samples.
o Charles Boyd
o DJ Forbes
o Jonty16117