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Shared code and resources for Java web applications.

Things To consider

  • Always make sure any code changes you make get copied across to main-8 (compatible with Java 8) also to main (compatible with Java 21)
Changes Specific to Java 8
  • Please create branch only from main-8
  • Please raise a PR to merge your changes only to main-8 branch
  • Use Java 8 Major tags generated from pipeline in your references (example : tags 1.x.x for java 8)
Changes Specific to Java 21
  • Please create branch only from main
  • Please merge your changes only to main branch
  • Use Java 21 Major tags generated from pipeline in your references (example : tags 3.x.x for java 21)
  • Please use this Pipeline and make sure respective source-code-main or source-code-main-8 task gets started once the PR is created or after the PR is merged to main or main-8 and once the pipeline tasks are complete then use the created tags respectively.


In order to build the library locally you will need the following:

Getting started

The library is built using maven. For example, to build and install in the local maven repo, run the following:

mvn clean install

The library can be imported as a maven dependency:


Projects using this must include the standard base layout by the use of this layout in the individual service:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- pull in generic layout from common-web-java -->
<html lang="en" xmlns:th=""
      layout:decorate="~{layouts/chsBaseLayout (serviceName = 'oauth-web') }">

serviceName should be set to the name of the service using the template e.g. oauth-web in this example


A common-web dependency to contain reusable resources and fragments for SpringBoot web development, e.g: back-buttons, headers, footers, continue buttons, etc.

Example usage of the standard layout and fragments can be found in authentication-service, oauth-web and

Welsh language support is being added and requires the addition of locales/common-messages to the basenames of the MessageCongig class in the service eg:

messageSource.setBasenames("locales/messages", "locales/common-messages");

The node.js equivalent is ch-node-utils but this is still to be fully implemented

Common Interceptors


Sets templateName model attribute to the name of the template (determined by last part of http request).

Added into a service by using the following in your interceptorConfig:


public void addInterceptors(@NonNull InterceptorRegistry registry) {
    // Add interceptor to get template names for matomo events
    registry.addInterceptor(new TemplateNameInterceptor());

Common Services


Spring component to allow the sending of Matomo tracking events or goals

requires cookie in order to obtain visitorID.

Configuration file


import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class MatomoClientConfig {
    MatomoClient getMatomoClient() {
        return new MatomoClient(<piwik url>, <piwik site id>, <service name>);

Example usage

    // declare autowired component and add to constructor
    private final MatomoClient matomoClient;

    public constructor(
        MatomoClient matomoClient) {
        this.matomoClient = matomoClient;

    // context parmaeter below is used in logger.traceContext calls within the client.

    // Send a goal (int)
    matomoClient.sendGoal(httpServletRequest.getCookies(), goalNumber, context);
    // Send an event - String page is name of template event is being raised for
    matomoClient.sendEvent(httpServletRequest.getCookies(), "page", "event-action", context)


"Standard" layout for CHS services.

This layout expects properties/environment variables to have been set accordingly.

Property Environment Description
cdn.url CDN_HOST Global environment variable for CDN
chs.url CHS_URL Global environment variable for main CHS home page
piwik.url PIWIK_URL Relevant Piwik/Matomo url for service
piwik.siteId PIWIK_SITE_ID Relevant Piwik/Matomo id for service

Requires serviceName variable to be set to the name of the service using the template as described above.

The following fragments are used by this baseLayout depending on the setting of variables described in each fragment.



CHS cookie permissions banner. Requires chs.url property listed above.


Standard header for CHS services. Requires cdn.url & chs.url properties listed above.

Optional variables:

headerText - if defined is displayed in header as the service name

headerURL - must be defined if headerText exists as it defines the link used if user clicks on headerText


Configurable fragment for alpha/beta phase banner above the main page content. Users are invited to give feedback via a survey.

phaseBanner set to alpha or beta will display the phase banner. No banner if not set

phaseBannerLink if set, a feedback link will be included in the phase banner with URL = phaseBannerLink

To set phaseBanner for all screens, use @ModelAttribute in the GlobalController class using @ControllerAdvice


Fragment for the language selector

noLanguageSelector if set to anything, then banner is NOT displayed


Fragment used by localesBanner to add language to any url


Fragment that provides a button to go backwards in the journey. Requires a backLink parameter to be set.

If the backLink model attribute is absent, the 'back' link won't appear. If set, it should contain href for back button


Fragment that provides useful links to the user below the main page content. Links give information about our policies, Cookies, contacting Companies House and information specific to Developers.

User's projects must include cdn.url, chs.url and developer.url urls in their

Remaining fragments not yet fully integrated into chsBaseLayout


Fragment that is used for global errors, displays information about the error if possible.


Fragment that contains several links and information for the user. Links to Your details, Your filings, Companies you follow, Basket, and Sign out are available, as well as displaying the user's email address. The user must include monitorGui.url in the project's

Link visibility may be changed by setting the following Thymeleaf model attributes to true:

  • companiesYouFollowUrl shows the "Companies you follow" link
  • basketWebUrl shows the "Basket" link
  • hideYourDetails hides the "Your details" link
  • hideRecentFilings hides the "Your filings" link

Common templates


Generic error page that gives the user an option to email Companies House. Requires enquiries property to be set in the service's or application.yaml files for the "email us" email address.

e.g. enquiries=mailto:[email protected]


Fragment that listens to user interactions. remains for legacy reasons - not used by chsBaseLayout.html Contains a customisable field ${moduleName} which is set in the chsBaseLayout.html, as mentioned above. This fragment requires the piwik.url and piwik.siteId properties in your project's file.