Commune's EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatibility allows developers to deploy and execute smart contracts using modern development tools like Hardhat. This guide covers the setup, development, and deployment process using Hardhat on Commune's testnet.
npm install -g npm@latest
npm install -g hardhat
- Clone the repo and initialize:
npm init -y
- Install required dependencies:
npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox @openzeppelin/contracts dotenv
- Initialize Hardhat:
npx hardhat init
Select "Create a JavaScript project" when prompted.
Create a .env
file in your project root:
PRIVATE_KEY=your_private_key_here_for_your_ethereum wallet
Make sure you have COMAI testnet tokens in your wallet. You can read the first section on transferring tokens from your substrate wallet to your erc-20 address here: then continue if you haven't done that already.
Replace the contents of hardhat.config.js
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
const COMMUNE_RPC_URL = process.env.COMMUNE_RPC_URL;
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.20",
networks: {
commune: {
accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY],
chainId: 9461,
gasPrice: 1000000000, // 1 gwei
hardhat: {
chainId: 31337
paths: {
sources: "./contracts",
tests: "./test",
cache: "./cache",
artifacts: "./artifacts"
Create contracts/MyToken.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
contract MyToken is ERC20, Ownable {
string memory name,
string memory symbol,
uint256 initialSupply
) ERC20(name, symbol) Ownable(msg.sender) {
_mint(msg.sender, initialSupply);
function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
_mint(to, amount);
Create test/MyToken.test.js
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
describe("MyToken", function () {
let myToken;
let owner;
let addr1;
let addr2;
beforeEach(async function () {
[owner, addr1, addr2] = await ethers.getSigners();
const MyToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyToken");
myToken = await MyToken.deploy(
ethers.parseEther("1000000") // 1 million tokens
describe("Deployment", function () {
it("Should set the right owner", async function () {
expect(await myToken.owner()).to.equal(owner.address);
it("Should assign the total supply of tokens to the owner", async function () {
const ownerBalance = await myToken.balanceOf(owner.address);
expect(await myToken.totalSupply()).to.equal(ownerBalance);
describe("Transactions", function () {
it("Should transfer tokens between accounts", async function () {
await myToken.transfer(addr1.address, 50);
expect(await myToken.balanceOf(addr1.address)).to.equal(50);
await myToken.connect(addr1).transfer(addr2.address, 50);
expect(await myToken.balanceOf(addr2.address)).to.equal(50);
it("Should fail if sender doesn't have enough tokens", async function () {
const initialOwnerBalance = await myToken.balanceOf(owner.address);
await expect(
myToken.connect(addr1).transfer(owner.address, 1)
)"ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");
expect(await myToken.balanceOf(owner.address)).to.equal(
Create scripts/deploy.js
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address);
const MyToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyToken");
const myToken = await MyToken.deploy(
ethers.parseEther("1000000") // 1 million tokens
await myToken.waitForDeployment();
const address = await myToken.getAddress();
console.log("Token deployed to:", address);
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {
- Compile Contracts
npx hardhat compile
- Run Tests
npx hardhat test
- Run Local Node (Optional)
npx hardhat node
- Deploy to Commune Testnet
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network commune
Create scripts/verify.js
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
const contractAddress = "YOUR_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
await"verify:verify", {
address: contractAddress,
constructorArguments: [
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {
npx hardhat run scripts/check-price.js --network commune
NVIDIA Token Price Info:
Current Price: $148.38
Last Update: 11/12/2024, 9:07:04 PM
Debug Info:
Raw price value: 14838
Raw timestamp: 1731442024
npx hardhat run scripts/update-price.js --network commune
Current signer: 0x27fDBEd37eca90D10e9ce2210fafC87E3B9582EF
Contract owner: 0x27fDBEd37eca90D10e9ce2210fafC87E3B9582EF
Is signer owner? true
Current price: 15
Fetching current NVIDIA stock price...
Raw Pyth price: 14837500
Price in dollars: 148.375
Adjusted price for contract: 14838
Current NVIDIA stock price: $ 148.38
Attempting to set new price to: 14838
Transaction sent: 0xdc730b884c3ec44eb976735d6a9601c4f69e0e8be9a6d215e675656d4dc3d8ae
Waiting for confirmation...
Change the contract name in deploynvidia.js and update-price-v2.js to the stock you want to peg and run the deployment script.
Update the price id from in update-price-v2.js to the price id of the stock you want to peg. The feed id for tesla for example is that erc-20 address
. -
Run the update-price-v2.js script to update the price of the stock.
Create scripts/interact.js
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
const contractAddress = "YOUR_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
const MyToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyToken");
const myToken = MyToken.attach(contractAddress);
// Get total supply
const totalSupply = await myToken.totalSupply();
console.log("Total Supply:", ethers.formatEther(totalSupply));
// Get balance
const [signer] = await ethers.getSigners();
const balance = await myToken.balanceOf(signer.address);
console.log("Balance:", ethers.formatEther(balance));
// Transfer tokens
const transferAmount = ethers.parseEther("100");
const tx = await myToken.transfer("RECIPIENT_ADDRESS", transferAmount);
await tx.wait();
console.log("Transfer successful!");
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {