property--value is a tiny utility library of the CSS properties that have keyword values, written with two dashes between the property and the keyword value.
If you know CSS well, you'll probably never have to look up the classes; you already know them!
And the best part: all this class-based styling can be yours for 1.5 kB (Brotli-compressed)
- align-content--center
- align-content--flex-end
- align-content--flex-start
- align-content--space-around
- align-content--space-between (align-content--dave-matthews)
- align-content--space-evenly
- align-content--stretch
- align-items--baseline
- align-items--center
- align-items--flex-end
- align-items--flex-start
- align-items--stretch
- align-self--baseline
- align-self--center
- align-self--flex-end
- align-self--flex-start
- align-self--stretch
- background-attachment--fixed
- background-attachment--local
- background-attachment--scroll
- background-position-x--center
- background-position-x--left
- background-position-x--right
- background-position-y--bottom
- background-position-y--center
- background-position-y--top
- background-repeat--no-repeat
- background-repeat--repeat
- background-repeat--repeat-x
- background-repeat--repeat-y
- background-repeat--round
- background-repeat--space
- background-size--auto
- background-size--contain
- background-size--cover
- clear--both
- clear--left
- clear--none
- clear--right
- display--block
- display--flex
- display--grid
- display--inline
- display--inline-block
- display--table
- filter--blur
- filter--brightness
- filter--contrast
- filter--grayscale
- filter--invert
- filter--saturate
- filter--sepia
- flex--1
- flex--2
- flex--3
- flex--4
- flex--5
- flex--6
- flex--auto
- flex--initial
- flex--none
- flex-direction--column
- flex-direction--column-reverse
- flex-direction--row
- flex-direction--row-reverse
- flex-wrap--nowrap
- flex-wrap--wrap
- flex-wrap--wrap-reverse
- float--left
- float--right
- font-stretch--condensed
- font-stretch--expanded
- font-stretch--extra-condensed
- font-stretch--extra-expanded
- font-stretch--normal
- font-stretch--semi-condensed
- font-stretch--semi-expanded
- font-stretch--ultra-condensed
- font-stretch--ultra-expanded
- font-style--italic
- font-weight--100 (font-weight--lighter)
- font-weight--200
- font-weight--300 (font-weight--light)
- font-weight--400 (font-weight--normal)
- font-weight--500
- font-weight--600 (font-weight--bold)
- font-weight--700 (font-weight--bolder)
- font-weight--800
- font-weight--900
- justify-content--center
- justify-content--flex-end
- justify-content--flex-start
- justify-content--space-around
- justify-content--space-between (justify-content--dave-matthews)
- justify-content--space-evenly
- justify-content--stretch
- overflow--auto
- overflow--hidden
- overflow--overlay
- overflow--scroll
- overflow--visible
- position--absolute
- position--fixed
- position--relative
- position--static
- position--sticky
- text-align--center
- text-align--justify
- text-align--left
- text-align--right
- text-transform--capitalize
- text-transform--lowercase
- text-transform--none
- text-transform--uppercase
- vertical-align--baseline
- vertical-align--bottom
- vertical-align--middle
- vertical-align--sub
- vertical-align--super
- vertical-align--text-bottom
- vertical-align--text-top
- vertical-align--top
Coming soon.