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Open source is the future. Co.Meta is an advanced & evolving meta-test product that has been made with ❤️ for DevOps and QA Engineers. Learn more


YouTube video (Clicking the thumbnail will redirect you to a quick YouTube video)

Built With

Getting started


Here is what you need to be able to run Cometa.

  • Docker and Docker Compose

    Docker and Docker Compose run seamlessly on both Mac and Windows. Installations have been successfully carried out using Docker Desktop 4.25.2 on macOS 14.1 with Rosetta x86/amd64 emulation. Additionally, running WSL with Ubuntu is a viable option. The choice ultimately depends on your personal preference. We recommend running Co.meta on Linux, considering that Linux is its native environment. Please use Linux as the operating system. You can explore pre-built Virtual Boxes for your convenience.

  • Internet Connection

    Co.Meta needs to be able to fetch software from the internet. For example python libraries, pre-built containers with virtual browser.

    When installing Co.meta in a corporate environment, make sure to whitelist the following domains on the Secure Proxy:

  • List of FQDNs (Full Qualified Domain Names) to clear proxy

    Domain Reason Configure GitLab-runner to provide updates to Cometa. The server should have access to the Amvara GitLab. Set up Discord notifications for monitoring Cometa servers (storage, errors, feature executions, etc.) and sending notifications to the Amvara team.
    Cometa downloads dependencies from GitHub repositories, as it is built on open-source libraries.
    These URLs are used to download and update Docker and Docker Compose installers when updates are required. Cometa runs on Docker containers and downloads necessary images from Docker Hub, such as Python, Apache, Node.js, etc.
    Cometa runs a container called cometa_socket, which uses Node.js and npm. Cometa runs a container called cometa_selenoid, which downloads JAR libraries from Maven. The Cometa components cometa_behave, cometa_django, and cometa_scheduler rely on Python libraries and download dependencies from this URL. Proxy clearance for accessing Kubernetes charts. (http and https)
    Most of the containers running within cometa uses debian based container, so Debian official repositories are needed for downloading and updating dependencies. (http and https) Debian multimedia repository for additional multimedia-related packages.

    For corporate environments using a Secure Proxy the Proxy usage needs to be configured: Edit the following nano ~/.docker/config.json

    Add the following:
      			"httpProxy": "http://<host>:<port>",
      			"httpsProxy": "http://<host>:<port>",
      			"noProxy": "localhost,,,cometa_socket,cometa_zalenium,cometa_front,cometa_behave,cometa_django,cometa_postgres,behave" 

    This configuration ensures, that the Co.Meta container use the proxy server, when spinning up virtual browsers. Add any internal Websites, ERPs or Application Endpoints into the above file to be accessible without Proxy.

    Selenoid Container must be built without above file. So, before rebuilding (e.g. with option --force-recreate) move above to *_bkp (mv ~/.docker/config.json ~/.docker/config.json_bkp), then rebuilt selenoid and finally move the file back to original name using mv ~/.docker/config.json_bkp ~/.docker/config.json.

    Modify /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http_proxy.conf or create the file if missing and add this content:

    Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://<host>:<port>/" "NOPROXY=localhost,,behave,cometa_behave,cometa_django" 

    Then restart the services: run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl restart docker.service

  • ulimit -n 8192

    Normally a ulimit -n of 1024 is sufficient. When using cntlm to divert internal and external traffic in a corporate environment, the ulimit should be set to 8192. Use below command to update ulimit.

    Update ulimit using command ulimit -n 8192

  • Required disk space

    Cometa requires approximately 28GB of disk space. Please ensure that your system has a minimum of 28GB of available disk space before installing Cometa. If necessary, consider freeing up space or upgrading your storage capacity.

    To check the available disk space, use the following command df -h . | awk 'NR==2 { print $4 }'

    To obtain more details on disk space, use the following command df -h .

  • Server time

    Your server must be in sync with the global time - consider using NTP to keep your local server time synchronized. Time deviation of more than 10 minutes is not supported.

    Why is this important? Because Co.Meta supports Single Sign On Providers like oAuth from Gitlab, Github, Azure, Google, Facebook, Ping or others. And the cookie timestamp must be accurate.

In case you are stuck for more than 5 minutes - please let us know. And please give us the opportunity to help you. We want to learn how you are using Co.Meta and what problems you encounter. Contact us. We are happy to help.


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Setup at least 1 authentication provider:

    To setup Google (for a more in detail guide click here ):

    • Go to Google Developer Console

    • Create an OAuth application

    • Add your domain to the allowed hosts

    • Retrieve the client_id and secret_id and paste them in ./front/apache-conf/metadata/

    • Set redirect_uri to https://<domain>/callback on your project's credential page

    • For further information please refer to Google Cloud Platform Console Help

    To setup Gitlab (for a more in detail guide click here ):

    • Go to

    • Create a new account

    • Settings > Application > Add new application

    • Add your domain to the allowed hosts

    • Retrieve the client_id and secret_id and paste them in ./front/apache-conf/metadata/accounts/

    • Set redirect_uri to https://<domain>/callback

    In both cases, the default URL when installing on you Desktop or Laptop, is localhost.

Don't miss this note: Instead of following the manual setup instructions below, you may execute ./ to bring up a localhost version on your machine.

  1. Create a crontab file for scheduling your automated tests

    mkdir -p backend/behave/schedules && touch backend/behave/schedules/crontab
  2. Get all Docker containers up:

    In docker-compose.yml change to 'local' and to '80' or according to your needs.

    • Change the <outside_port> port to 80 or any other port you'd like. Keep in mind that this port should match with what is configured inside the openidc.conf
    • Change the <server> to local or your custom configuration file in front/apache-conf/openidc.conf_<custom_name>
    docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f --tail=10

    Co.Meta starts on port 443. If that port is used on your machine, change it docker-compose.yml to e.g. "8443:443" Co.Meta also starts on port 80. If that is not available you could change that to 8081 in docker-compose.yml

    View some logs docker-compose logs -f --tail=10 of the installation process, to get a understanding, when Co.Meta is ready.

    Give Co.Meta some minutes to install python, setup django, download npm and docker files, compile the front end. Depending on your computer this can take a couple of minutes.

    You want a development server?

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
  3. (Optional) Create superuser for the Backend Admin

    Default superuser is created on runtime as admin:admin.

    docker exec -it cometa_django bash
    root@cometa_django:/opt/code# python createsuperuser
  4. (Optional) Install latest browser versions

    ./backend/selenoid/ -n 3.

    This will configure and pull the three newest Docker images with virtual browsers for Selenoid.

    Selenoid image are the browser that you will be able use and select in Co.Meta.

    Of course there are options to include browserstack, headspin or sourcelabs browsers. But that is a bit you would not want to configure on your first setup.

    This step will take some time as all the default browser images are being pulled.

    Once Co.Meta is up and running, you can parse the new browser images available into Co.Meta by calling https://localhost/backend/parseBrowsers/

  5. See Co.Meta in your browser

    Test server access curl -k https://<yourdomain>:<specified port - default 443>/

    Example curl -k https://localhost:443/

    You should see something like this:

    The document has moved here.

  6. Import the over 70 pre-defined actions

    On first start you have to manually parse the file. This enables cometa to use any steps defined in the UI. The user can then choose from the steps in the UI. https://localhost/backend/parseActions/ ... as a result cometa will show all actions that have been parsed and are now available for selection in cometa-front.

  7. Run your first test

    Click on the "+" on the very top. Select Department, Environment and Feature Name

    Please delete or disable the first step shown as an example and import this JSON to search for "Cometa Rocks" on google

    [{"enabled":true,"screenshot":true,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":false,"step_content":"Goto URL \"\"","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":false,"timeout":60},{"enabled":true,"screenshot":false,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":false,"step_content":"Maximize the browser","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":false,"timeout":60},{"enabled":true,"screenshot":true,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":false,"step_content":"wait until I can see \"google\" on page","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":false,"timeout":60},{"enabled":true,"screenshot":true,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":false,"step_content":"I move mouse to \"//button[2]\" and click","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":true,"timeout":5},{"enabled":true,"screenshot":true,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":false,"step_content":"I move mouse to \"//textarea\" and click","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":false,"timeout":60},{"enabled":true,"screenshot":true,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":false,"step_content":"Send keys \"cometa rocks\"","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":false,"timeout":60},{"enabled":true,"screenshot":true,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":false,"step_content":"Press Enter","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":false,"timeout":60},{"enabled":true,"screenshot":true,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":false,"step_content":"wait until I can see \"cometa rocks\" on page","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":false,"timeout":60},{"enabled":true,"screenshot":true,"step_keyword":"Given","compare":true,"step_content":"I sleep \"1\" seconds","step_type":"normal","continue_on_failure":false,"timeout":6}]


  • Final Co.Meta is available at https://localhost/
  • To enable Debug mode on front:
     docker exec -it cometa_front bash
     root@cometa_front:/code# ./ serve
    Front Debug mode will available at https://localhost/debug/


To create a backup simply execute ./ on the root folder (make sure it has +x permission).

A folder will be created inside backups with the date of the backup, this folder includes a backup of the database, all features metadata and the screenshots already taken.

Restore backups

  1. Unzip and copy contents to folder db_data.
  2. Unzip and directly inside behave folder.
  3. docker-compose restart

That's all, easy peasy.

Backend resources

Directory Layout

  • ./behave Behave related files
  • ./crontabs contains crontab files for Django & Behave
  • ./selenoid Selenoid related files
  • ./front Apache and Angular files
  • ./src Django related files
  • ./src/backend contains the Backend code for URLs
  • ./src/cometa_pj: contains the configuration of Django
  • ./ws-server WebSocket server related files


Copyright 2022 COMETA ROCKS S.L.

Portions of this software are licensed as follows:

  • All content that resides under "ee/" directory of this repository (Enterprise Edition) is licensed under the license defined in "ee/LICENSE". (Work in progress)
  • All third party components incorporated into the Co.Meta Software are licensed under the original license provided by the owner of the applicable component.
  • Content outside of the above mentioned directories or restrictions above is available under the "AGPLv3" license as defined in LICENSE file.