GoLC is a clever abbreviation for "Go Line Counter," drawing inspiration from CLOC and various other line-counting tools in Go like GCloc.
GoLC counts physical lines of source code in numerous programming languages across your Bitbucket Cloud, Bitbucket Data Center, GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps and local repositories. GoLC can be used to estimate LoC counts that would be produced by a SonarQube analysis of these projects, without having to implement this analysis.
GoLC The tool analyzes your repositories and identifies the largest branch of each repository, counting the total number of lines of code per language for that branch. At the end of the analysis, a text and PDF report is generated, along with a JSON results file for each repository.It starts an HTTP service to display an HTML page with the results.
This last version is ver1.0.6 is available for Bitbucket Cloud , Bitbucket DC, GitHub , GitLab cloud and On-Premise , Azure DevOps and Files.A Docker version is available.
You can install from the stable release by clicking here
A personal access tokens for : Bitbucket Cloud,Bitbucket DC,GitHub, GitLab and Azure DevOps.The token must have repo scope.
- Perform pull request actions
- Push, pull and clone repositories
Go language installed : If you want to use the sources...
To show all supported languages use the subcommand languages :
$:> golc.go -languages
Language | Extensions | Single Comments | Multi Line
| | | Comments
Objective-C | .m | // | /* */
Ruby | .rb | # | =begin =end
Visual Basic .NET | .vb | ' |
YAML | .yaml, .yml | # |
C# | .cs | // | /* */
Flex | .as | // | /* */
C++ Header | .hh, .hpp | // | /* */
CSS | .css | // | /* */
Abap | .abap, .ab4, .flow | " | /* */
PL/I | .pl1 | -- | /* */
RPG | .rpg | # |
Swift | .swift | // | /* */
JCL | .jcl, .JCL | // | /* */
Apex | .cls, .trigger | // | /* */
PHP | .php, .php3, .php4, .php5, .phtml, .inc | //, # | /* */
TypeScript | .ts, .tsx | // | /* */
XML | .xml, .XML | <!-- | <!-- -->
XHTML | .xhtml | <!-- | <!-- -->
Terraform | .tf | |
T-SQL | .tsql | -- |
Vue | .vue | <!-- | <!-- -->
COBOL | .cbl, .ccp, .cob, .cobol, .cpy | *, / |
HTML | .html, .htm, .cshtml, .vbhtml, .aspx, | | <!-- -->
| .ascx, .rhtml, .erb, .shtml, .shtm, cmp | | <!-- -->
JavaScript | .js, .jsx, .jsp, .jspf | // | /* */
Python | .py | # | """ """
Scss | .scss | // | /* */
SQL | .sql | -- | /* */
C Header | .h | // | /* */
C++ | .cpp, .cc | // | /* */
Golang | .go | // | /* */
Oracle PL/SQL | .pkb | -- | /* */
ActionScript | .as | // | /* */
C | .c | // | /* */
Java | .java, .jav | // | /* */
Kotlin | .kt, .kts | // | /* */
Scala | .scala | // | /* */
❗️ To add a new language, you need to add an entry to the Languages structure defined in the file assets/languages.go.
✅ Environment Configuration
Before running GoLC, you need to configure your environment by initializing the various values in the config.json file. Copy the config_sample.json file to config.json and modify the various entries.
"platforms": {
"BitBucketSRV": {
"Users": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"AccessToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Organization": "xxxxxx",
"DevOps": "bitbucket_dc",
"Project": "",
"Repos": "",
"Branch": "",
"DefaultBranch": false,
"Url": "http://X.X.X.X/",
"Apiver": "1.0",
"Baseapi": "rest/api/",
"Protocol": "http",
"Stats": false,
"Workers": 50,
"ResultByFile": false,
"ResultAll": true,
"BitBucket": {
"Users": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"AccessToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Organization": "xxxxx",
"DevOps": "bitbucket",
"Project": "",
"Repos": "",
"Branch": "",
"DefaultBranch": false,
"Url": "https://api.bitbucket.org/",
"Apiver": "2.0",
"Baseapi": "bitbucket.org",
"Protocol": "http",
"Stats": false,
"Workers": 50,
"ResultByFile": false,
"ResultAll": true,
"Github": {
"Users": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"AccessToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Organization": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"DevOps": "github",
"Project": "",
"Repos": "",
"Branch": "",
"DefaultBranch": false,
"Url": "https://api.github.com/",
"Apiver": "",
"Baseapi": "github.com",
"Protocol": "https",
"Stats": false,
"Workers": 50,
"ResultByFile": false,
"ResultAll": true,
"Gitlab": {
"Users": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"AccessToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Organization": "xxxxxxxx",
"DevOps": "gitlab",
"Project": "",
"Repos": "",
"Branch": "",
"DefaultBranch": false,
"Url": "https://gitlab.com/",
"Apiver": "v4",
"Baseapi": "api/",
"Protocol": "https",
"Stats": false,
"Workers": 50,
"ResultByFile": false,
"ResultAll": true,
"Azure": {
"Users": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"AccessToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Organization": "xxxxxxxx",
"DevOps": "azure",
"Project": "",
"Repos": "",
"Branch": "",
"DefaultBranch": false,
"Url": "https://dev.azure.com/",
"Apiver": "7.1",
"Baseapi": "_apis/git/",
"Protocol": "https",
"Stats": false,
"Workers": 50,
"ResultByFile": false,
"ResultAll": true,
"File": {
"Organization": "xxxxxxxxx",
"DevOps": "file",
"ResultByFile": false,
"ResultAll": true
This file represents the 6 supported platforms for analysis: BitBucketSRV (Bitbucket DC), BitBucket (cloud), GitHub, GitLab, Azure (Azure DevOps), and File. Depending on your platform, for example, Bitbucket DC (enter BitBucketSRV), specify the parameters:
"Users": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" : Your User login
"AccessToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" : Your Token
"Organization": "xxxxxx": Your organization
If 'Projects' and 'Repos' are not specified, the analysis will be conducted on all repositories. You can specify a project name (PROJECT_KEY) in 'Projects', and the analysis will be limited to the specified project. If you specify 'Repos' (REPO_SLUG), the analysis will be limited to the specified repositories.
"Project": "",
"Repos": "",
❗️ The 'Projects' entry is supported exclusively on the BitBucket and AzureDevops platform.
For Bitbucket DC, you must provide the URL with your server address and change the 'Protocol' entry if you are using an https connection , ending with '/'. The 'Branch' input allows you to select a specific branch for all repositories within an organization or project, or for a single repository. For example, if you only want all branches to be "main", '"Branch":"main"' .
"Url": "http://X.X.X.X/"
You can create a .cloc_'your_platform'_ignore file to ignore projects or repositories in the analysis.
The syntax of this file is as follows for BitBucket:
- REPO_SLUG = for one Repository
- PROJECT_KEY = for one Project
- PROJECT_KEY/REPO_SLUG For un Repository in one Project
The syntax of this file is as follows for GitHub:
- REPO1_SLUG = for one Repository
The syntax of this file is as follows for File:
The syntax of this file is as follows for Azure Devops :
✅ Config.json File Settings
❗️ For the File mode, if you want to have a list of directories to analyze, you create a .cloc_file_load file and add the directories to be analyzed line by line.If the .cloc_file_load. file is provided, its contents will override the Directory parameter."
❗️ The parameters 'Period', 'Factor', and 'Stats' should not be modified as they will be used in a future version.
❗️ The parameters 'Multithreading' and 'Workers' initialize whether multithreading is enabled or not, allowing parallel analysis. You can disable it by setting 'Multithreading' to false. 'Workers' corresponds to the number of concurrent analyses.These parameters can be adjusted according to the performance of the compute running GoLC.
❗️ The boolean parameter DefaultBranch, if set to true, specifies that only the default branch of each repository should be analyzed. If set to false, it will analyze all branches of each repository to determine the most important one.
❗️ Exclude extensions If you want to exclude files by their extensions, use the parameter 'ExtExclusion'. For example, if you want to exclude all CSS or JS files : 'ExtExclusion':[".css",".js"],
❗️ Results By File If you want results by file rather than globally by language, you need to set the 'ResultByFile' parameter to true in the config.json file. In the Results directory, you will then have a JSON file for each analyzed repository containing a list of files with details such as the number of lines of code, comments, etc. Additionally, a PDF file named complete_report.pdf will be available in the Results/reports directory. To generate this report, you need to run the ResultByfiles program.
❗️ Results All Results ALL is the default report format.It generates a report for by language and a report for by file. The variable to initialize this mode is 'ResultAll', which is set to true in the configuration file config.json."
❗️ The boolean parameter Org, if set to true, will run the analysis on an organization. If set to false, it will run on a user account. The Organization parameter should be set to your personal account. This functionality is available for GitHub.
❗️ Exclude directories. To exclude directories from your repository from the analysis, initialize the variable 'ExcludePaths': ['']. For example, to exclude two directories: 'ExcludePaths': ['test1', 'pkg/test2'].
❗️ The parameters Zip
The Zip parameter improves performance if you have very large repositories.To enable it, you need to set it to true.
✅ Run GoLC
To launch GoLC with the following command, you must specify your DevOps platform. In this example, we analyze repositories hosted on Bitbucket Cloud. The supported flags for -devops are :
flag : <BitBucketSRV>||<BitBucket>||<Github>||<Gitlab>||<Azure>||<File>
❗️ GoLC runs on Windows, Linux, and OSX, but the preferred platforms are OSX or Linux.
If the Results directory exists, GoLC will prompt you to delete it before starting a new analysis and will also offer to save the previous analysis. If you respond 'y', a Saves directory will be created containing a zip file, which will be a compressed version of the Results directory.
$:> golc -devops BitBucket
✅ Using configuration for DevOps platform 'BitBucket'
❗️ Directory <'Results'> already exists. Do you want to delete it? (y/n): y
❗️ Do you want to create a backup of the directory before deleting? (y/n): n
🔎 Analysis of devops platform objects ...
✅ The number of project(s) to analyze is 8
🟢 Analyse Projet: test2
✅ The number of Repositories found is: 1
🟢 Analyse Projet: tests
✅ The number of Repository found is: 1
✅ Repo: testempty - Number of branches: 1
🟢 Analyse Projet: sri
✅ The number of Repository found is: 0
🟢 Analyse Projet: Bitbucket Pipes
✅ The number of Repository found is: 5
✅ Repo: sonarcloud-quality-gate - Number of branches: 9
✅ Repo: sonarcloud-scan - Number of branches: 8
✅ Repo: official-pipes - Number of branches: 14
✅ Repo: sonarqube-scan - Number of branches: 7
✅ Repo: sonarqube-quality-gate - Number of branches: 2
✅ The largest repo is <sample-nodejs-project> in the project <SAMPLES> with the branch <demo-app-week> and a size of 425.45 KB
✅ Total size of your organization's repositories: 877.65 KB
✅ Total repositories analyzed: 11 - Find empty : 1
🔎 Analysis of Repos ...
Extracting files from repo : testempty
✅ json report exported to Results/Result_TES_testempty_main.json
✅ The repository <testempty> has been analyzed
✅ json report exported to Results/Result_CLOC_gcloc_DEV.json
✅ The repository <gcloc> has been analyzed
✅ json report exported to Results/Result_BBPIPES_sonarcloud-quality-gate_master.json
✅ The repository <sonarcloud-quality-gate> has been analyzed
✅ json report exported to Results/Result_BBPIPES_sonarcloud-scan_master.json
✅ The repository <sonarcloud-scan> has been analyzed
🔎 Analyse Report ...
✅ Number of Repository analyzed in Organization <sonar-demo> is 11
✅ The repository with the largest line of code is in project <CLOC> the repo name is <gcloc> with <2.05M> lines of code
✅ The total sum of lines of code in Organization <sonar-demo> is : 2.06M Lines of Code
✅ Reports are located in the <'Results'> directory
✅ Time elapsed : 00:01:01
ℹ️ To generate and visualize results on a web interface, follow these steps:
✅ run : ResultsAll
✅ Run on Windows
For execution on Windows, it is preferable to use PowerShell.
PS C:\Users\ecadmin\sonar-golc> .\golc.exe -devops File
✅ Using configuration for DevOps platform 'File'
❗️ Directory <'C:\Users\ecadmin\sonar-golc\Results'> already exists. Do you want to delete it? (y/n): y
❗️ Do you want to create a backup of the directory before deleting? (y/n): n
🔎 Analysis of Directories ...
Extracting files from sonar-golc
OutputName: Result_sonar-golc
✅ json report exported to Results\Result_sonar-golc.json
✅ 1 The directory <c:\Users\ecadmin\Picktalk> has been analyzed
🔎 Analyse Report ...
✅ Number of Directory analyzed in Organization <test> is 1
✅ The total sum of lines of code in Organization <test> is : 41.48K Lines of Code
✅ Reports are located in the <'Results'> directory
✅ Time elapsed : 00:00:02
ℹ️ To generate and visualize results on a web interface, follow these steps:
✅ run : ResultsAll
PS C:\Users\ecadmin\sonar-golc>
✅ Reports
The report files are created in PDF, JSON, and CSV formats for the report by files.
├── Byfile-report
│ ├── csv-report
│ │ └── Result……_byfile.csv
│ ├── pdf-report
│ │ └── Result……_byfile.pdf
│ └── Result……_byfile.json
└── Bylanguage-report
│ ├── csv-report
│ ├── pdf-report
│ └── Result……_.json
├── GlobalReport.json
├── GlobalReport.pdf
├── GlobalReport.txt
To view the results on a web interface, you need to launch the 'ResultsAll' program.
The 'ResultsAll' program prompts you if you want to view the results on a web interface.It starts an HTTP service on the default port 8080. If this port is in use, you can choose another port. To stop the local HTTP service, press the Ctrl+C keys
$:> ./ResultsAll
Would you like to launch web visualization? (Y/N)
✅ Launching web visualization...
❗️ Port 8080 is already in use.
✅ Please enter the port you wish to use : 9090
✅ Server started on http://localhost:9090
✅ please type < Ctrl+C > to stop the server
From the web interface, you have the option to download the report files in ZIP format.
✅ Web UI
✅ Report example
Report By file :
GoLC docker images support running both on the amd64 architecture and on arm64-based Apple Silicon.
✅ Pull Images
:> docker pull mcolussi/golc
:> docker pull mcolussi/resultsall
✅ Create volumes to persist data or map a local directory
You need a persistent volume or to map a local directory to store the analysis results.You need to configure your environment by initializing the various values in the config.json file
- Results: contains the analysis files
✅ Running the container:
:> docker run --rm -v /custom/Results_volume:/app/Results -v /custom/config.json:/app/config.json golc:arm64-1.0.6 -devops Github -docker
✅ Using configuration for DevOps platform 'Github'
Running in Docker mode
🔎 Analysis of devops platform objects ...
Repos saved successfully!
✅ The number of Repo(s) found is: 1
✅ 1 Repo: GoLC - Number of branches: 4 - largest Branch: ver1.0.3
✅ Result saved successfully!
✅ The largest Repository is <GoLC> in the organization <techlabnews> with the branch <ver1.0.3>
✅ Total Repositories that will be analyzed: 1 - Find empty : 0 - Excluded : 0 - Archived : 0
✅ Total Branches that will be analyzed: 4
🔎 Analysis of Repos ...
Waiting for workers...
✅ json report exported to /app/Results/Result_techlabnews-GoLC_ver1.0.3.json
✅ 2 The repository <sonar-golc> has been analyzed
🔎 Analyse Report ...
✅ Number of Repository analyzed in Organization <techlabnews> is 1
✅ The repository with the largest line of code is in project <techlabnews> the repo name is <GoLC> with <41.48K> lines of code
✅ The total sum of lines of code in Organization <techlabnews> is : 41.48K Lines of Code
✅ Reports are located in the <'Results'> directory
✅ Time elapsed : 00:00:06
ℹ️ To generate and visualize results on a web interface, follow these steps:
✅ run : ResultsAll
✅ Run Report
Now we can start generating the report with the resultsall container. You need to map the volume previously used for the analysis and map an available port for web access. The default port is 8080.
:> docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v /custom_Results_volume:/app/Results resultsall:arm64-1.0.6
✅ Launching web visualization...
✅ Server started on http://localhost:8080
✅ please type < Ctrl+C> to stop the server
The application generates a log file named Logs.log
in the current directory. This log file records all the steps of the GoLC execution process, providing detailed information about the application's runtime behavior.
The log file is created in directory Logs
, is placed in the following path: <GoLCHome/Logs>
You can refer to this log file to troubleshoot issues, monitor the application's execution, and understand its internal processes.
❗️ At each execution the file is deleted
[2024-07-11 17:22:52] INFO ✅ Using configuration for DevOps platform 'Github'
[2024-07-11 17:22:55] INFO 🔎 Analysis of devops platform objects ...
Repos saved successfully!
[2024-07-11 17:22:56] INFO ✅ The number of Repo(s) found is: 50
[2024-07-11 17:22:57] INFO ✅ 1 Repo: sonar-aws-cicd-tutorial - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: main
[2024-07-11 17:22:59] INFO ✅ 2 Repo: sonar-golc - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: ver1.0.3
[2024-07-11 17:22:59] INFO ✅ 3 Repo: jenkins-docker - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: main
[2024-07-11 17:23:00] INFO ✅ 4 Repo: abapGit - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: main
[2024-07-11 17:23:01] INFO ✅ 5 Repo: abap2UI5 - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: main
[2024-07-11 17:23:02] INFO ✅ 6 Repo: abap-cheat-sheets - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: main
[2024-07-11 17:23:03] INFO ✅ 7 Repo: Container_Architecture - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: main
[2024-07-11 17:23:04] INFO ✅ 8 Repo: k8s-helm-sq-key - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: main
[2024-07-11 17:23:04] INFO ✅ 9 Repo: k8s-hpa-sonarqubedce - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: main
[2024-07-11 17:23:05] INFO ✅ 10 Repo: GitHub-Monorepo-Example - Number of branches: 1 - largest Branch: master
✅ Result saved successfully!
[2024-07-11 17:23:35] INFO ✅ The largest Repository is <sonar-aws-cicd-tutorial> in the organization <XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> with the branch <main>
[2024-07-11 17:23:35] INFO ✅ Total Repositories that will be analyzed: 49 - Find empty : 1 - Excluded : 0 - Archived : 0
[2024-07-11 17:23:35] INFO ✅ Total Branches that will be analyzed: 49
[2024-07-11 17:23:35] INFO 🔎 Analysis of Repos ...
Waiting for workers...
[2024-07✅ json report exported to /XXXXXXX/sonar-golc/Results/Result_SonarSource-Demos_employee-api_main.json
[2024-07-11 17:23:36] INFO ✅ 2 The repository <employee-api> has been analyzed
Waiting for workers...
[2024-07✅ json report exported to /XXXXXXX/sonar-golc/Results/Result_SonarSource-Demos_jenkins-docker_main.json
[2024-07-11 17:23:36] INFO ✅ 3 The repository <jenkins-docker> has been analyzed
[2024-07-11 17:27:20] INFO 🔎 Analyse Report ...
[2024-07-11 17:27:20] INFO ✅ Number of Repository analyzed in Organization <XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> is 49
[2024-07-11 17:27:20] INFO ✅ The total sum of lines of code in Organization <XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> is : 5.62M Lines of Code
[2024-07-11 17:27:20] INFO ✅ Reports are located in the <'Results'> directory
[2024-07-11 17:27:20] INFO ✅ Time elapsed : 00:02:24
[2024-07-11 17:27:20] INFO ℹ️ To generate and visualize results on a web interface, follow these steps:
[2024-07-11 17:27:20] INFO ✅ run : ResultsAll
We are continuously working to enhance and expand the functionality of our application. Here are some of the upcoming features you can look forward to:
- Improved Exclusion Patterns: Enhancements to the exclusion patterns to provide more precise and flexible control over what is included or excluded in various operations.
- Additional Integrations: We are exploring support for other platforms and services to broaden the scope of our integrations and offer more flexibility to our users.
- Improved User Interface: Enhancements to the user interface to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.
- Performance Optimizations: Ongoing efforts to optimize the performance and scalability of the application to handle larger workloads more efficiently.
- Security Enhancements: Continued focus on strengthening the security of the application to protect user data and ensure privacy.
Stay tuned for updates as we roll out these new features and improvements!