Weather + Local activities all in one app. Search by city, and you'll receive the local weather forecast and a selection of recommended activities based on the local weather.
Ex: A rainy forecast will recommend activities like Movies or Shopping.
Selecting an activity will provide a list of local businesses that match the activity type.
Technical Information
App created with Express, Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS.
Weather - Uses ajax to get data from apixu api.
Local places - Uses Google Places api with javascript library.
To run locally -- You'll need to get api keys from apixu and google. Insert the google key in the script tag in the views/layout.hbs file In public/script file, set the secondKey variable to your apixu key.
fork and clone this repo
$npm install
$npm start
- will run on your local host at port 3000
Future Updates
- Add option to load more place results
- Filter Results. Add my own logic to exclude places that are not a good match for tags - Google's exclude feature does not work.
- Add more categories with more granular weather logic
- Add ability to search for category
- Add logic to adjust search radius based on city type - expand search radius in more rural areas, reduce radius in urban areas.
- More robust weather - hourly forecasts.